ClearWater Conservancy: June 2017 enews
Ten ClearWater Highlights to Brighten your Summer
You can get involved with our work and make a big difference in our small community.  Keep reading for details about our latest projects and events.
1.  Centred Outdoors has Launched!
Centred Outdoors is an invitation for anyone, of any age or fitness level, to explore up to nine natural destinations all around Centre County through guided or self-guided adventures. Together, we'll stress less and discover more about the unique and beautiful natural areas around us. Visit  to learn more and register for these fun-filled, cost-free adventures. 

It's Time to Take the Centred Outdoors Challenge!  To complete the Centred Outdoors Challenge, go on  nine  adventures  and explore as many featured destinations as possible before August 16.  

To participate in the Challenge, create a user profile and track your progress  by collecting e-trophies or stamps in one of the following ways:
1.  Check-in to a site using the  mobile app  for Android (iphone version coming soon)
2.  Enter the event code from a guided adventure into your user profile on the website
3.  Upload a selfie from a self-guided adventure into your user profile on the website
4.  Collect stamps on your printable passport at guided events (or visit our office for a stamp)

Visit your favorite sites multiple times or each site once-it’s up to you! Those who participate in the challenge will  enter a prize pool to win awesome outdoor gear and other great gifts . You can even climb the online leader board and start a friendly competition with friends and family. We'll see YOU out on the trails!

This program is hosted by ClearWater Conservancy, funded by a grant from Centre Foundation and supported by these partnering organizations: Go Get Outdoors PA, Mount Nittany Health, Centre Moves, Penns State Sustainable Comunities, The Arboretum at Penn State, Penns Valley Conservation Association, Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Mount Nittany Conservancy, and Millbrook Marsh Nature Center 
  Please  Help us spread the word by following @CentredOutdoors on Facebook and Twitter!  
2. Participate in a Burn Barrel Study for a chance to win a$100 Otto's Gift Card
Attention, anyone with a burn barrel on your property.  Burn barrels have come up again as a point of interest, with regard to pollution and their effect on the environment.  We are looking for residents who have burn barrels on their property, who would be willing to participate in a study of what compounds are found in the ash residue and surrounding ground.  We are working in conjunction with PSU on the project.   If you have an interest in participating in this study, please email Rod Fye at .
3. You're Invited: Work & Learn in the Native Garden
Please join Colleen DeLong and the Garden Stewards for a Work & Learn session Wednesday, June 14 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in ClearWater's Native Plant garden. Come put in a little time weeding and mulching and then walk the gardens with Colleen and the Stewards to learn about native plants and see what's in bloom. There is no cost, but your RSVP is appreciated.  Click Here to Register
4. Welcome Suzy Yetter, Conservation Projects Coordinator
Suzy joins us from Penn State University, where she has been part of the  Riparia team  with Dr. Rob Brooks for nearly 20 years.  She holds a master’s degree in Ecology and has worked alongside ClearWater on many projects.  Suzy will help coordinate, manage and implement our stream restoration projects.  You can contact and welcome Suzy via email at  .
5. Houserville Community Garden
article by Bill Sharp

There is a new community garden is located at the Houserville United Methodist Church on Houserville Road, thanks to pastor Renee Ford.  The garden was organized by neighbors with Scott Stilson chairing the group.  On May 20th, a dozen neighbors showed up on a wet and drizzly morning to spread compost, till it in and put up a fence to keep the critters out.  This has been an outstanding community effort from individuals and businesses like Ernest Eby who brought his tractor to plow and level the garden, Ace Hardware who provided 225 feet of quality garden hose, Tussey Mountain Mulch who helped with mushroom compost, and Envinity who provided sawdust to line the paths.

Garden Starters, a project of ClearWater Conservancy, has helped with planning, logistics and funding for the new garden. The food produced by Garden Starters will go to people in need.  Garden Starters, a great idea by ClearWater founding board member Barbara Fisher, has been working since 2009 with the mission of helping new gardeners and promoting home gardening in our region.  A lot of people have been through our workshops.  The plots have been filled but the Community Garden will consider expanding next year. See many more photos of the garden on Facebook!

6. The Slab Cabin Run Initiative Approaches Fundraising Deadline of September 30, 2017 

For a short time, we have the opportunity to permanently conserve an iconic farm in the heart of a growing town.  Whether it’s to protect the water you drink, the streams you fish and boat on, the scenic vista you drive by and love, or the glass bottles and local ice cream that creates the “Meyer Dairy Experience,” your investment will make a positive impact on our community that will last more than a lifetime.

Thanks to the strong support of our community and generous individuals just like you, ClearWater’s Slab Cabin Run Initiative has brought in $2.24M of the $2.75 M needed to accomplish its goal.  Will you play a part in this once-in-a-lifetime project?   Will you and your family please make a contribution to the Slab Cabin Run Initiative during this last leg of the campaign?

Please, consider a generous and meaningful donation to help us raise the remaining $510,000 by the end of September.  We’re excited to see the positive community response to this project.  From the ClearWater Conservancy Board, staff and dedicated volunteers, thank you for being a part of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to protect our water and preserve an incredible landscape. 
7. Seeking Volunteers for Centred Outdoors 
Love being outside in nature? Enjoy helping others discover the wonders of the outdoors? Then please consider becoming a Centred Outdoors Volunteer! We are seeking 3-4 individuals per event to help with parking, check-in and trail guidance. Click the button below to sign up to help at one or more events.  A volunteer meeting is scheduled for June 13 at 5:30 pm at the Patton Township Building. We hope to see you there!
8. Congratulations Deb Nardone, Leadership Centre County, Class of 2017
On June 7, Deb Nardone, executive director of ClearWater Conservancy, and fellow class mates graduated from Leadership Centre County as the Class of 2017. The LCC experience has an immediate, positive effect on the participants, their organizations, and the community. Congratulations Deb!
9. Update from May enews: Construction Started on Spring Creek Canyon Trail
The week of June 5, construction began on the first phase of the Spring Creek Canyon Trail, a 1.2 mile and 8-foot wide aggregate trail surface along Spring Creek running from Rock Road to Shiloh Road.  Starting with a new parking area and trailhead on Rock Road just north of the historic Blue Bridge, the trail will extend downstream to its connection with Shiloh Road just northeast of the Benner Fish Hatchery.  ClearWater Conservancy joins the PA Game Commission and PA Fish and Boat Commission as project partners to assist Benner Township in making this multi-use trail a reality.  For further information, contact Kevin Abbey at the Conservancy, 237-0400.

10. Mach 1 Kayak Program: Spaces Available
The Basic WhiteWater Kayaking Program, led by Dave Kurtz, is a series of 6 sessions on the waters of Spring Creek at the Sunnyside Paddling Park on the north side of Bellefonte. Participants learn the 6 basic paddling strokes, practice on the slalom gate, take a paddling cruise down to Milesburg, and finally, the 6th session is the 9-gate slalom treat...the "final exam" (but everyone passes!). There are three options for camps:

1) 3-Day Spring Camp.  Spring Camp B on June 14-16. The  camp is suited for Bellefonte, Bald  Eagle  and  State College folks. The camp on Wednesday the 14 starts at 1:00 and each day of the 15th and 16th starts about 10:45 and goes to 4:00 or thereabouts.  

2) 4-Day Summer Camp. This will be staged Aug. 1-4. The camp is scheduled to be a full day from 8:30-5:00. We'll cover the Basic Program plus some extra fun activities to loosen the group up and have a good time as well as a quality educational experience. This leads to the Sunnyside Slalom at the same site on Aug. 5-6.  

3) Fall Daily camp. This will be run as a two day a week session, a Mon-Wed. section and a Tue.-Thur. section. It will complete in time for the Bellefonte Slalom in October.  

If interested, please contact David Kurtz, Head Coach: Call 814-222-0052 (can text) or email:


You're invited to join us on the patio at Mountain View Country Club for the 1st Annual “Night BeFore” Event on Sunday, August 27th from 5-9pm at Mountain View Country Club. Tickets available here!

$15 admission includes beer from Otto’s Pub and Brewery, live music, light hors d’oeuvres and your first entry into the evening’s main event, a 2000 ball ball-drop! 

This will be a great time to have fun with the whole family and connect with other ClearWater Conservancy supporters!  Golf-Fest golfers and children under 12 are admitted FREE!

The grand prize is $1000 if your ball lands closest to “the pin” and you don’t need to be present to win, so you can click here to register OR purchase additional balls to go after the big prize!

    ClearWater Conservancy 814-237-0400 ||