Wednesday Encounter
Adult Electives
Winter/Spring 2018

Because we follow a Savior Who gave His all, we need to be constantly looking to "Raise the Bar" of our spiritual lives. Our Wednesday Encounter elective classes are designed to help you do just that.

Live Like Jesus - Who is Jesus? What was He showing us with His life? This creative look at Jesus Christ examines the gospels to answer your questions about His life and message. (David Smith)
Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God - This study guides us to experience a relationship with God through which we come to know and do His will by learning to recognize when He is speaking. We'll look at seven Scriptural realities that teach us how to develop a true relationship with the Creator. (Rick Sarver)
Bible 201 - God's plan of redemption can be traced through twenty of the sixty-six books of the Bible. Starting with Genesis and ending in Revelation, we will follow the storyline of God's plan by examining these twenty books in detail. (Ron Pitzer)
Listen, Love, Repeat (women's study) - Our culture is obsessed with self! This six-part video Bible study gives practical, creative ways to share kindness and love with our family and friends, the lonely, and the hard to love. Reclaim the joy that comes from putting others first. (Janet Smith)
The Real Man Card (men's study) - Men face many challenges every day. Do you have the tools to deal with these daily challenges? The Real Man Card is a reminder of what it means to be a "real man" according to how God has designed us. This study is structured around seven topics that will challenge us and bring focus and action to our choices. (Scott Mitchell)

Men's Fraternity: The Quest for Authentic Manhood (men's study) - This study provides men with an encouraging process that teaches them how to live lives of authentic manhood, as modeled by Jesus and directed by the Word of God. Biblical teaching and small group interaction will challenge them to live with truth, passion and purpose. (Mike Rosetto)

Improving Communication in Your Marriage (marriage study) - Communication is the number one issue crippling a couple's relationship and has the power to make or break a marriage. After the strong romantic feelings from dating and the honeymoon fade, it doesn't take long for communication problems to reveal themselves. Through this study, couples will learn about barriers to strong communication, making their relationship a priority, and encouraging each other through trials. (Steve & Stephanie Patton)

Relational Evangelism Training (12-week college class)  - Do you want to learn how to share your faith with others? Hope International University is offering a college course at HDCC called Relational Evangelism. This course will teach you how to share the gospel message with others, how to invite even the most unlikely people to learn about Jesus, and how to disciple others to become disciple makers themselves. 
1. You will be auditing the college course (you won't be given any college credit, nor will you be graded). If you wish to take the class for credit, contact Jon Vance ([email protected]).
2. Although this is an audited class, you are expected to do homework. Access to the internet is required.
3. Tuition is $20 and will be collected during the first session.
(Instructor: Jon Vance)
HDCC Worship Choir - Are you a talented vocalist?  Do you love to sing?  You're welcome to join the choir.  We rehearse every Wednesday evening from 6:20-7:30 in the choir room, just left of the stage.  Singers of all experience levels are welcome.  Come and help prepare music for Sunday worship and be a part of a great community! (Joel Phillips)