
It's almost that time of year again – time for us to show the world just how amazing we are. It’s called the Amazing Give, and it’s the most magical giving 24-hour period in our community!
This year, we are raising money for ReadingPals, our in-house reading and literacy program that partners reading coaches aka “Pals” with second- and third-graders in Alachua County Public Schools. Through the Amazing Give, we hope to raise needed funds to buy books, literary games and to help sponsor a student through the program.
This 24-hour online fundraising event is hosted by our Community Foundation. It is an easy way for local nonprofits to raise money and to connect donors to their most loved charities through a single online platform. Here are the details:
The Amazing Give starts at 6 p.m. on March 21st, and ends at 6 p.m. on March 22nd.
How can you be amazing? Here are 4 easy ways:
  • Donate during the Amazing Give
  • Join our "Breakfast Club" and attend our Amazing Give Kick Off Breakfast at Bagel Bakery on March 22 starting at 7:30 a.m. 
  • Be a "Social Butterfly" and help promote us during the 24-hour period
  • Become a "PowerPal" by setting up a page, telling your story and fundraising for us! "PowerPals" are strongly encouraged to attend our Ambassador Workshop.
If you are interested in helping us reach our goals, please RSVP to attend our Amazing Give Ambassador Workshop on Monday, March 5 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the United Way office (6031 NW 1st Place, Gainesville, Fl 32607).