Laurie Franklin, Rabbinic Intern and Spiritual Leader
February 27, 2018 *  12th of Adar, 5778
Har Shalom community members and friends,
we are at a crossroads.

The Board of Directors needs the input of the whole community to navigate through a difficult challenge.

For years we have maintained a visible presence in Missoula at our synagogue on Russell Street.

And for years we've been blessed with the spiritual leadership of Laurie Franklin.

But we are a small congregation with limited financial resources. 

The Board of Directors is calling a meeting so that we can fully inform our members of our deliberations and solicit input from our community, so that we can be assured of representing your wishes.  

Please join us at 1pm on Sunday, March 11, for coffee, dessert, and a much needed discussion about the future of Har Shalom. 
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