Farmer Goes to Market: Reconnecting Nebraska's grocers and farmers
Can you trust the 2018 trends? | Why do farmers do that?
Time to dump the "D word" | Meat, meat everywhere
  Meet your farmers | Humor

Trend forecasts 2018: Those who forget history...
You've read the trends predictions for 2018. But can you trust them? That could prove difficult. To demonstrate, Farmer Goes to Market takes a decade-backward look at what was ordained to become hot in 2008, proving once again that prognostication is not for the faint-hearted.
The changing definition of _food desert_
Why 'food desert' is growing meaningless
In mid-January, Johns Hopkins released a new study urging policy-makers abandon the now-common term, "food deserts."  But another  new study  adds strong evidence to the argument that it's not the name that should be at issue. It's the whole idea that may be an illusion.
Flickr/Len Edgerly. Some rights reserved. Used under CC BY SA 2.0.
Why do farmers voluntarily tax themselves?
The 40th anniversary of the nation's first "checkoff" assessment on corn, here in tax-resistant Nebraska, raises an interesting question: Why have farmers over the years been so enthusiastically willing to impose this type of tax on themselves? Why do farmers do that?
What a difference two years makes in beef supplies
Source_ Flickr_Jeremy Brooks. Some rights reserved. Used under CC-BY NC 2.0.
What a difference two years makes in beef supply
At the start of 2016, beef cattle supplies remained vanishingly tight, even as the national herd was beginning to show recovery from devastating drought. Two years later, the food chain is abundant with meat supplies. Will consumers keep buying? 
The Nebraska farm_ where every day is science class
To members of Columbus' Loseke family, farming is one big, constant biology experiment. They use science, technology, engineering and math skills each day to run their ranching business. Watch how Elisabeth, Erika and Cort apply these skills in everything from veterinary science and nutrition, to agriculture and meteorology .  
A hypnotic look at Valentine_s cookie making
Depending on which side of the generational divide you fall on, the "Tide Pod Challenge" marked either the end of modern civilization or the natural culmination of it. But, sad to say, we've all seen this movie before...
Now is the time for decision-making based on fact
Kathy_s Commentary
As most of our readers are aware, the Nebraska Grocery Industry Association is highly engaged with the Nebraska Legislature. The 2018 session is a short 60 days, with the last day scheduled for April 18. We are now half way through, and the Legislature has several important issues on its plate, working through the list on a daily basis. Tax reform is at the top of the list. The general consensus is that we won't know what we need to know until after the Forecasting Board meets on February 28. At that time, we will have a more accurate picture of the state's revenue stream. Moving forward, it is important that state senators make decisions based on fact - not emotion. The tax package that comes out of the Nebraska Legislature and is sent to the governor for signature will become law. We will live with those reforms for many years. The end result must be fair to all citizens of this state. We appreciate the hard work of our state senators and applaud them for their dedication and focus as they move forward to find solutions to Nebraska's tax challenges.

- Kathy Siefken, Executive Director

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