Your weekly newsletter from the Rocky Mountain Synod
A Reconciling in Christ synod
I was driving to work one day thinking about my schedule—the meetings I needed to attend, reports I needed to finish, preparations still to be completed for upcoming travel, email I needed to answer, phone calls I absolutely had to make, and compiling a grocery list in my head so I would pick up what I needed for supper on the way home from work. All of a sudden I found myself pulling into the parking garage at the Lutheran Center. I had driven the 9 miles to work and had no idea how I got there. I didn’t remember the traffic lights, the turns, the scenery—nothing. I had been so absorbed in what was coming up that I was completely oblivious to the present.
I think this experience is not unique to me. We set part of our lives on autopilot and set the planning, list-making, what-if scheduling part on overdrive. Our culture actually encourages this.
Include in your newsletters:
Women and Justice
In 2009, the Churchwide Assembly authorized the development of a social statement on women and justice. The ELCA Task Force on Women and Justice: One in Christ has been at work since 2012 and brought the work to a crucial stage: On November 15,...
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eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Spotlight: Urban Servant Corps
Emilee Martell was born and raised in western Wisconsin, and studied English and Environmental Studies at St. Olaf College. As part of her Urban Servant Corp year, she serves at EarthLinks, a garden and workshop where people experiencing homelessness can gain work skills, housing assistance, and a welcoming community.
Several times lately, I've been asked, "So, is this year of service thing turning out like you expected?" The answer, paradoxically, is entirely yes and entirely no. Before I came to Denver, I understood, on a basic level, what the year would hold: intentional community with six other people, full-time work at a nonprofit, reflections, conversations, and hard questions. But I didn't have the faintest idea what all that would actually look like, once we actually began...
: a spectacular garden, bursting with beehives, crafts, late-summer blooms, and people who were instant comrades. My first day, I made candles. My second day, my shoes were accidentally placed in a donation bin and literally walked off. But they made their way back to me by the end of the week, and in the meantime, I learned soapmaking, beekeeping, and a tremendous respect for every person in the program, staff and participant alike.
Office of the Bishop Eucharist, Wednesday, December 13
Our monthly Eucharist will be held at the Lutheran Center on Wednesday, December 13 at 11:30 a.m.
All are invited to join in this 30 minute worship.
2018 Mission Support Intents
As an ELCA congregation in the Rocky Mountain Synod you play an important role in our life as Christ’s Church, Better Together. A packet was recently sent to each congregation that contained three important resources related to your congregation’s investment in our shared ministry and witness through your annual mission support.
- Litany – During a Sunday worship in January or early February 2018, please use the enclosed litany to celebrate your congregation’s commitment to providing financial resources for our church’s engagements synodically, nationally and globally.
- Mission Support Update – In our commitment to thank you and keep you informed about your congregation’s particular level of mission support, we ask you to share the information on this form with your congregation.
- 2018 Mission Support Intent – As you plan your congregation’s spending plan for 2018, we ask you to prayerfully consider the amount of mission support you will provide for our shared ministry and witness. Please note that in 2018, our synodical budget calls for 47% of all congregational mission support received by the Rocky Mountain Synod to be shared with our ELCA Churchwide ministries, an increase of 1%. You may either return your 2018 Intent by mail, our fill out the online form.
March 2018 trip to Malaysia and Cambodia
Do you want to see ELCA ministries and God's work around the world? Are you interested in making an increased investment in ELCA ministries? Join the ELCA on a mission immersion trip to Malaysia and Cambodia next spring! We will spend six days in Malaysia visiting with the Lutheran Church in Malaysia and six days in Cambodia with the Lutheran Church in Cambodia and our ministry partners, Life with Dignity. We will also spend two days at the world-famous Angkor Wat temples in Cambodia.
Trip dates: March 5-18, 2018. Trip cost: $5,000 (includes flight, food, accommodation, transportation). For more information, email Andrew Steele, ELCA Global Church Sponsorship director at
Mustard Seed House Churches Closing
Mustard Seed House Churches, launched in 2013, has closed. We give thanks to God for the rich blessings received by participants and so many others in this “missional experiment.” Mustard Seed described itself as: “A collective of Christ-centered, queer-inclusive, justice-focused dinner churches” reaching out to the unchurched, de-churched and so many others. With deep gratitude for the leaders, including the Pastor- developer, Pr. Andy Boesenecker, for their work and vision with this faith community. For questions and concerns, please contact
Pr. Judith VanOsdol, Director for Evangelical Mission of our Rocky Mountain Synod.
Save the Date for Colorado Lutheran Lobby Day!
February 15, 2018
Join advocates and community leaders for a morning of learning and action! Build relationships with your elected officials, discover the history of advocacy in the Lutheran tradition, and get the latest updates on our work at the state capitol. Lobbying 101 training will be offered, and a hot breakfast will be served. Event will be held in downtown Denver. Online registration will open soon, and scholarships are available. Download the
flyer here.
Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-Colorado is a ministry of the Rocky Mountain Synod.
How Is Your Financial Wellness?
Feeling stressed about finances? Avoiding thinking about finances because you don't know where to start? Portico, one of our partners in Educate, Equip, Enact, has created 12 short videos about practical matters related to financial health. From Self-Compassion, to Balancing Multiple Financial Goals, to Creating a Realistic Budget, to Tackling Student Loan Debt-- you will find a topic that can encourage and help you. Give yourself the gift of 10 minutes today to check out a video (
click here
) that applies to you.
Ordination to Word and Sacrament
Laura Stephenson
Atonement, Boulder, CO
Saturday, September 17, 3:00pm
Color of the Day: Red
RMS Prayer Cycle
December 2107 - UTAH CONFERENCE
Week of December 17
Our Saviour’s - Salt Lake City, UT
Barbara Berry-Bailey (Interim)
Prince of Peace - Logan, UT
Scott Thalacker
Shepherd of the Mountains - Park City, UT
Steve Leiser
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, December 17
Third Sunday of Advent
Prayer of the Day
Stir up the wills of your faithful people, Lord God, and open our ears to the words of your prophets, that, anointed by your Spirit, we may testify to your light; through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Global Church Prayer
Christ, our light, praise to you for the messengers you have sent to point us to you. Strengthen us to hear your message of peace, love and reconciliation and guide all people who proclaim your gospel, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
December Music at Saint Paul Lutheran Church
Winter Wonders
Rocky Mountain Ringers
Friday, December 15 @ 7:30 p.m. - $15 to $25
With special guest: Safonia. Get tickets
A Winter's Night: Christmas with St. Martin's
St. Martin's Chamber Choir
Sunday, December 17 @ 3:00 p.m. - $15 to $45
Featuring Benjamin Britten's a cappella Christmas cantata
"A Boy was Born," and
"A Winter’s Night," by Cecilia McDowall. A rich work rich with familiar carol tunes, including opportunities for audience participation. Tickets are available
Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains - December Announcements
- LFS’ refugee program is currently collecting gift cards to share with our newly-arrived clients. These can be a lifesaver for a family who has started a new job and is waiting on that first paycheck! Cards with a $25 - $75 balance are most useful, but cards of any amount are always appreciated. The most helpful stores are King Soopers, H Mart, Target, and Walgreens. Please call your nearest office to confirm their current donation needs. Thank you!
Denver: 303-980-5400
Colorado Springs: 719-227-8899
Greeley/Fort Morgan: 970-353-5267
Albuquerque: 505-933-7032
- Did you know that 75% of Americans do not have their medical care wishes in writing? Are you one of them? The OACS program, in partnership with the Colorado Health Foundation, is offering free, individual Advance Care Planning consults to provide hands-on assistance in the creation of Advance Directives, such as Medical Durable Power of Attorney and Living Will, at no charge. Our goal is to ensure that everyone completes these important documents, and understands why they are necessary. To set up an appointment at our Lakewood office, call 303-217-5864.
- Each year in Colorado, thousands of kids are unable to live with their biological parents because of abuse or neglect. We need families who can provide temporary care until children reunify with their parent as well as families willing to adopt children and teens in foster care if they can’t return to their families. Informal Q & A sessions for foster care will be held on December 13 from 12:30-1:30 p.m. and from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the LFS Denver Metro office (363 S. Harlan Street, Suite 105, Denver). Please register with Anne at or 303-217-5869. One-on-one meetings can also be arranged to work around your busy schedule.
- LFS’ refugee program is hosting a shopping-style gift event in Aurora where our clients can choose from donated Angel Tree gifts for their family members! We are in need of volunteers to help set up in the afternoon on Friday, December 15 and to staff the shopping days on Saturday, December 16 and Sunday, December 17. Please contact Kate Strebe at for more information.
Old Time Radio Players perform
"Miracle on 34th Street"
Sunday, December 17th, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Do you ever wonder how folks entertained themselves before television? Come and join us at Advent Lutheran Church for the Radio Players performance of "
Miracle on 34th Street
Here is a flyer to share!
2018 Bishop's Legislative Luncheon and Issues Briefing
Monday, January 22, 2018
The Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM invites and urges you to attend this 2018 Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM Bishop's Legislative Luncheon & Issues Briefing.
Registration and refreshments will begin at 9:00 am. The
Bishop's Legislative Luncheon will be at 12:30 pm at the
La Fonda Hotel, 100 East San Francisco (
directions). In order to help meet our growing expenses for this event, the cost of the luncheon has been increased to $35 per person. The cost is reduced to $30 when 4 or more people attend from your congregation or group. If you are only able to attend the morning Issues Briefing, the cost is $10.
Please make reservations by calling the Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM office at 505-984-8005 or sending an email to The deadline for reservations is January 18.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18-25, 2018
The 2018 theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is
"Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power,"
(Exodus 15:6). The 2018 resources have been written by the Churches of the Caribbean, including the Catholic Archbishop of the Antilles and the Caribbean Council of Churches.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity gives Christians an annual opportunity to continue their quest for the unity they already share in Christ. It is also a time to gather in praise of the Triune God and to deepen the understanding of the ecumenical movement. By joining in this annual celebration Christians raise their voices, hands and hearts to God seeking the fulfillment of the prayer of Jesus, the Son of God, “that they all may be one.”
More information is available
, and
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
Share the gift of Boldcafe - Bold Café
by Elizabeth McBride There's something pretty awesome about going to a cafe. Of course, there's coffee, but besides that, it's a welcoming space whether you are alone or with friends. It's comfortable. It's casual. It's a place for everyone....
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Preschool Chef (part-time)
Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO
Bethany Early Childhood Center is currently accepting applications for our Preschool Chef position. Primary responsibilities include morning and afternoon snack prep, making lunch, as well as ordering. The ability to coordinate with a team of teachers is a must - we love to teach our students about cooking! This position is part-time, primarily in the morning. Job description is
here. Questions and resumes may be submitted to
All Non-Rostered Positions
Preschool Chef (part-time)
Bethany Lutheran Church - Cherry Hills Village, CO
Bookkeeper (part-time)
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO
Office Coordinator
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO
Facilities Manager (part-time)
Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
Contemporary Worship Coordinator
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO
Minister of Music
Epiphany Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- Region 2 Mobility Conference Phoenix, AZ
- Messiah Mountain
- Better Together Relationship Team
- Staff meeting
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- Lutheran Center Administration
- In-Office appointments
- Staff meeting
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Medicaid Coalition
- Legislative meeting
- Staff meeting
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- Legislative Session planning
- Staff meeting
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
Deacon Erin Power
- Assembly Planning
- RMS Communications
- Staff meeting
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Mobility Conference, Phoenix, AZ
- Holy Shepherd, Lakewood, CO
- Staff meeting
Pastor Leslie Welton
- Faith Formation Network
- Messiah Mountain
- St. Mark's, Aurora, CO
- Staff Meeting
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Articles for eConnection are due noon Monday for the issue the following Wednesday.
Event announcements are included for about two weeks then copied to the
Events & News Web Page
and may be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.