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New Site. Nice!
UltraBoard.com has been completely redesigned and offers fantastic new resources to learn about UltraBoard products! If you are new to UltraBoard's extensive line of foam core board and composite products, be sure to check out our distributor locator to find your local UltraBoard dealer.
New News

UltraBoard.com now features a new blog that we are packing full of helpful articles appealing to the large format commercial signage and substrate industry; as well as tips, tricks and helpful hints to achieve premium results when using your UltraBoard products.

Have Suggestions?
Our news articles are created with one audience in mind- you! If you are seeking help or information related to the sign industry including signage or substrates send your questions and suggestions for potential future editorial coverage to [email protected] today!
Now We're Social

UltraBoard has now introduced several new social media channels and we would like to stay in touch with you. Take a quick minute to check us out and give a like– or even a share!

Share & Be Featured on UltraBoard.com
Have an UltraBoard project you want to share with the world? Send us your UltraBoard project photos with your company's hashtags and you may be featured on our homepage Instagram feed!*
Sample Our Goods

Have you had a hands-on experience with UltraBoard products? Contact us today or simply fill out our free sample request by clicking the link below.
*By submitting photos for use in our Instagram feed you are agreeing that you
have secured permission for reproduction of the images and their contents therein from all applicable parties.