This Wednesday, February 7
New Message This Wednesday!

One of the most encouraging moments I have during my time as a Youth Pastor came when I was able to witness an eighth-grade student take charge in setting up a Christian Conference for hundreds of young people in her area.   

While this young lady did not have some of the talents and abilities that we tend to glamorize in the church, she was able to use the gifts that God had given to her in order to reach her peers for Jesus.

The Bible tells us that each of us have been uniquely made by God and that we have been given unique skills, gifts and abilities. But how exactly does intend for us to use the gifts he has given us?

I hope that you will invite a friend and join us this Wednesday as we discover how we can use our God-given gifts and abilities to make an impact in His Kingdom! 

High School Missions Trip Applications Due by This Sunday!

High school students, don't forget that applications for our summer missions trip to Minneapolis are due back by this Sunday, February 11th. You should have received an email a couple of weeks ago with all of the necessary forms, and more forms will be available in the Youth Room on Wednesday if you don't already have them. There is no doubt that this will be a powerful trip that would have a profound impact on your life. I hope that you will prayerfully consider joining us as we make an impact for God's Kingdom! 

Confirmation Continues This Week!

Confirmation continues this Wednesday at 6:00 PM in the Basement. We will provide dinner for every student in attendance. I look forward to seeing everyone this week as we discover why and how we should tell others about Jesus. See you then!