"Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius." 
-Pietro Aretino

In This Issue
Meet Denise...a Faithful Optimist and part of the Millennial Generation!
The 2017 Zeldis Millennial Segmentation Research Study, unveiled at October's SIR Conference, shows once again that not all Millennials match our preconceived notions. Learn more about the first of five segments we've created (and will be sharing) from our online survey of 1,000 Millennials. Meet Denise, representing the "Faithful Optimists."
Faithful Optimists are joyful, dependable, and detail oriented - they are traditionalist in many ways, including some that run counter to the Millennial stereotype. Targeting these Millennials requires a focus on responsibility and hard work, and positive imagery/language may resonate particularly well with them. See a detailed profile of Denise HERE.
To learn more about our Millennial segments, please join us for the free webinar on December 12 (See article below.)
Learn about Denise and four other prototype Millennial segments in a new free webinar on Tuesday, December 12 at 1pm  EST. " Seen One Millennial, and You Have Not Seen Them All: A Quantitative Segmentation of Millennial Customers" provides the newest findings from Zeldis' continuing proprietary research study on the impact of different generations on attitudes and choices.  Zeldis Executive Vice President Amy Rey and Senior Account Director Fred Gaudios will present surprising new insights from their latest study of this important demographic, perceived often -- and erroneously -- as a homogenous block.
Video Do's and Don'ts for Marketing Research
Considering incorporating video into your newest research project? Its popularity is growing and its value to increase engagement is proven. But our Research Director Andy Romano has some tips for using video that can save you grief AND money. See his suggestions HERE in "Lights, Camera...Actionable Results: Using Respondent Video in Market Research," or contact Andy at
The Zeldis team found much to ponder at the recent Corporate Research Conference in Chicago: many great presentations and a lot of valuable content. One session that strongly resonated with our research team was "Participant Engagement: An Existential Crisis." A group of supplier and client-side researchers presented some of the important work done by the Global Research Business Network (GRBN) to help improve the respondent experience. This is work that is truly essential to what we do at Zeldis Research, and to the future of the industry. GRBN released a game-changing handbook that can help all researchers improve participation rates and data quality. We highly recommend downloading the handbook   HERE .
At Zeldis Research, we have been privileged to work with hundreds of clients over 25 years in the industry.  On our new Thought Leadership page , we are proud to share many of the publicly released studies conducted with and for Zeldis Research clients, as well as our own proprietary research. We hope you find the work both inspiring and valuable in your own marketing challenges. See our studies HERE.
We're thrilled to announce that Zeldis Research Associates has been officially certified by the Women's Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), a certification recognized by more than 1,000 U.S. corporations. The WBE status affirms that Zeldis is woman-owned, operated and controlled. We thank our clients and partners who have supported us in achieving this important recognition!
What's it like to work at Zeldis Research?  Listen and watch as some of our team members describe their experiences HERE. And if you know someone who might be interested in our new opportunity for a Senior Research Director, see the job description HERE. Both are on our new Careers page HERE.
If you have any questions, or suggestions for articles you'd like to see in future issues of The Zeldis Buzz , please contact me by calling (609) 737-7223, x207, or by emailing .


Doris Kaiser, Partner 

Zeldis Research Associates 

609-737-7223, x207

About Zeldis Research
Zeldis Research  can help you do smarter, more impactful research. In turn, this allows your stakeholders to market products and services more successfully to their targets.

Our deep and broad industry knowledge in the markets we serve, customized solutions blending qualitative and quantitative methods, highly responsive boutique size, and actionable results have helped clients effectively improve the development and communication of their products and services.

Zeldis Research Associates

1230 Parkway Avenue, Suite 311

Ewing, NJ 08628


p. 609-737-7223
f. 609-737-9272