December 6, 2017
Strive to be more
Dear Parents,                                                         

We are now in the holy season of Advent which is a time for reflection, preparation, and vigilant, patient waiting.  Father Rippy explains that "To wait for the Lord who comes, means to wait and to watch so that the Word of Love enters inside us and focuses us every day of our lives."  As we wait, I ask that you be patient as STM sustains yet another unexpected staff change.  Mrs. Kelly Pietuszka, 2nd grade teacher, has submitted her resignation due to health reasons and at the recommendation of her doctor.  Her last day at STM will be this Friday, December 8th.   To ensure a smooth transition, it has been decided to transfer  Mrs. Emily Stocker from Technology Coordinator to 2nd grade teacher.  Mrs. Stocker has taught at STM for 6 years as a Kindergarten teacher prior to  her position in Technology.  She has the knowledge to successfully implement the specific instructional programs that are used at STM:  Daily 5, Cafe, Word Study, and Every Day Math.  This staff change will ensure a calm transition and continued academic success for the remainder of the school year.  Technology instruction will continue as we welcome Mr. Max Neubauer as the computer teacher for PreK-8th grade. 

It is my prayer for you that this Advent season will bring you closer to the Word of Love and fill your lives with peace.  I look forward to seeing all of you at the  much beloved annual STM Christmas pageant next Monday, December 12.  As a reminder, we ask that students arrive at Burke Hall by 6pm. 

God Bless,

Eleanor McCormack                                             
Everyone's favorite Advent tradition will be held on Sunday, December 10 at 7:30 pm. Please join Bishop Burbidge and the Cathedral clergy and staff, as well as the adult choir, youth choir, and handbell choir for this wonderful tradition consisting of Scripture readings accompanied by carols. A reception will follow the service. To learn more about the Cathedral Concert Series and to see a full schedule of performances in the 2017-2018 season, please visit the website or like us on Facebook!
This Friday Pizza Lunch supports 8th Grade!

Pizza and Market Table volunteers are needed in the school cafeteria from 10:45am-1:15pm.  You must be VIRTUS-compliant to volunteer.  Come for the entire time or just for an hour.
Market Table
Appropriate items and some favorites are individually bagged popcorn, fruit snacks, chips, pretzels, cheese puffs or Jell-O and small items like bubbles, novelty pens, stickers, and mini-notepads. Please do not send in cookies or nut productsDo not send in latex items such as balloons or any item made with latex. 
For every $15 spent you earn 1 volunteer hour.  If you have any pizza questions, contact Mike or Cecelia Gilliam at  [email protected] .

Are you wondering what happened to your child's missing coat, sweater, or hat?  Please come and check the Lost and Found bin located in the STM school cafeteria!!  

We have enjoyed two successful Open Houses and classes are rapidly filling.   STM school wants to be sure to secure your child's spot in next year's classes.  Please click here to complete the needed paperwork for the  2018-19 school year.  

Every year the student council helps the community by donating clothes, shoes, school supplies, and more to children in need. We are taking the donations and giving them to the Catholic Refugee and Relocation Center. All members of the Student Council create tags that hang on the tree with items on them such as children's coats, gloves, scarves, hats, and more. A student must have their parents' permission to take a tag off the tree!  When permission is given, the teacher will send them to the tree.  Your child can take one tag from the tree and bring in the item on the tag before or on Friday, December 15. The gift must be unwrapped and with the tag attached. This makes it easier to give to the Center. For more information, please contact Mrs. Dina Johnston at [email protected]

       ARE DUE
It is time to place your orders for January or Winter quarter hot lunches
  • Quarterly subscriptions begin the week of Wednesday January 3, 2018, and will run through Wednesday March 28, 2018. This lunch rotation consists of 44 lunches at a price of $6.25 per child.  Total cost for the Winter quarter is $275.00 per child.
  • January subscriptions will begin on Wednesday, January 3, 2018, and will run through Wednesday, January 31, 2018. A total of 15 lunches will be served for a cost of $93.75 per child.  
Please complete this form to submit an order. Completed order forms must be returned to the school office no later than December 15, 2017.


The scouts are collecting NEW and unwrapped toys for girls and boys ages 3-12.  Please send in your donation and place it in the boxes located near the office or in the cafeteria.  The collection will continue until December 11.


Registration is now open for the Winter 2018 After-School Enrichment session, to be held January 8-March 2! The Enrichment program provides an easy, safe, convenient way for your child to explore a new hobby, dive deeper into a developing passion, or hang out with friends after school in a fun, structured environment.
Registration for the Winter Session
is open through Monday, December 11, Midnight.
For program information, schedule, and registration,
visit the STM Enrichment site 
For more information, please contact
Ellen Walsh, STM PTO Enrichment Coordinator ([email protected]).

STM's own resident ceramic artist and art teacher, Mr. Hadrian Mendoza, will showcase his work as a final step towards the completion of his Masters of Fine Art.  Mr. Mendoza's thesis exhibition will be displayed at Gallery 102, Smith Hall of Art, 801 22nd Street, NW, Washington DC, from Monday, December 11 through Friday, December 22.  The hours of operation are 9am to 5pm Monday through Friday.  An evening reception will be held on Saturday, December 16, from 5:pm to 7pm.  More information about Mr. Mendoza's ceramic work can be found at his website:
Parenting by Dr. Rene News
Parenting Workshop Schedule
2017 - 2018
Join Dr. Rene for an informative parenting workshop! These workshops are praised for being engaging, thorough and full of practical solutions. These workshops currently meet in McLean at Country Day School. For more information and to register, please click here

Managing Mealtimes & Picky Eaters 
Wed. Dec. 6 7:00 - 9:00pm
Teaching Money, Chores & Allowance 
Thurs. Dec. 7 9:20 - 10:20am
Tantrums, Whining & Backtalk 
Mon. Dec. 11 7:00 - 9:00pm
Tips for a Better Clean Up Time
Your kids have been playing all afternoon, moving from one activity to the next.  You realize dinner is 20 minutes away and the house is a mess.  There are toys EVERYWHERE.
  • Start young - I tend to think clean-up should be part of play from the beginning.  Even before children can help, you can talk to them about how "we are done playing now so I am going to put these toys away."  By eighteen months to two years old, give them small jobs as part of the clean up.  By two and a half they should really be participating and hopefully by four years old taking ownership.
  • Get organized - For kids to be able to put away toys, there should be clear places for toys to go.  This means having a preferably clear bin for each type of toy, a box for puzzle pieces, a cabinet or shelf for puzzle boxes, a big basket for balls or a cabinet for dress-up clothes.  It may take a few months to teach kids where and how things get put away and it is worth the effort.
  • Have a consistent plan - If you find your kids do better cleaning up after each activity, make that the expectation.  Better to clean up at the end of the day, that's good too.  Find your plan and then stick with it.
  • Everyone cleans - Everyone who gets to play, helps to clean.
  • Give warnings - Clean up time is a transition.  Many children benefit from having a warning before transitions. With my own kids, this is "We are done in five minutes, finish up," and "One more minute, do your last thing."  It works best if you say the same things for each warning and mean the same amount of time.  If sometimes when you say "five minutes" you mean two because you are in a hurry or you mean twenty because you get distracted, your warnings aren't very helpful.
  • Clean-up songs - Every preschool teacher and most of the parents I know sing "Clean up time. Time to clean. Everyone is helping."  That's a start. Google "clean up songs" or "clean up games," there are lots.
  • Divide and conquer - Several children working together can distract each other.  If this is the case, it may work best to assign each a specific job or area of the room to clean. This might also mean one cleans at a time.
  • Set small goals - If there really are toys absolutely everywhere, it can be an overwhelming task to clean it all up.  It may be helpful to start small and clean up the trains before snack and the legos after.
  • Positive choices - Giving children choices would be saying "do you want to start with the blocks or balls?" or "Would you like to throw those in or dump truck them in the basket?"  When a child makes a choices they are that much closer to doing the behavior.  Here is a full blog post on how choices work in discipline.
  • Challenges - Can child count all the blocks they put on the shelf?  Can child pick up more blocks than you?  Can child make neat stacks?  Can child put all the blocks away in two minutes?  Ready, go!
  • Jobs - Jobs around clean up time might be the block supervisor, the doll organizer, or the art supply sorter.  Give a title and a brief job description.
  • Read books about it - Children's story books include:
  1.  Pigsty by Teague
  2. Super, Completely and Totally the Messiest by Viorst
  3. The Messiest Room on the Planet by Kulling 
STM Blast items must be submitted to [email protected] by noon on Monday  in order to be included in that week's edition.   All submissions must be in print-ready form.  Items received after this deadline will be held until the following issue.  Thank you for your cooperation.
Issue: 16
In This Issue
Upcoming Events

Sunday, December 10
Lessons & Carols
STM Cathedral

Tuesday, December 12
11:30am Dismissal with Extended Day

Tuesday, December 12
STM School Play
STM Cathedral
Children meet in Burke Hall at 6pm

Wednesday, Dec 20
11:30 Dismissal

Wednesday, Dec 20
Christmas break begins at 11:30

Wednesday, Jan 3 2018
Classes Resume
"STM Will Turn the World"