Houmas House Plantation



The Return of Mr. Bingle!

To New Orleans outsiders, this puppet is merely a cute decoration hanging in the stairwell of the Houmas House Mansion. But to locals across Louisiana and as far as Memphis, Tennessee, Mr. Bingle is a Christmas Icon bringing fond memories to the Baby Boomers and Gen X generations.
In the late 1940's Mr. Bingle was created as a mascot for the department store Maison Blanche, many now know as Dillard's.  Every Christmas, Mr. Bingle and Santa Clause would tower over Canal Street at the entrance to the well-known store.  Over time, the figure grew and merchandise, commercials, and TV shows featuring Mr. Bingle were created and became common characters in every household. 
After almost 40 years in New Orleans, the large Mr. Bingle that stood on Canal Street  fell into disrepair and had to be stored away.  Over time, the iconic figure has become a fond memory to New Orleanians, bringing them back to their childhood.
Today, Houmas House is excited to announce the return of Mr. Bingle!  After decades, the original Mr. Bingle puppet is being displayed in the mansion 
Mr. Bingle and Santa Clause, 1952.
 stairwell during the Christmas season. We are so grateful to the owner for allowing us to share this New Orleans tradition with the world.
We hope you will make a special trip to Houmas House to see Mr. Bingle and make him part of your Christmas tradition. 
To learn more about Mr. Bingle, Click Here.

Dreaming of a White Christmas
As dreamt by Princess Maggie

The elves have rushed and scurried all season,
Just to give you yet another reason,
To visit the Sugar Palace in all its Christmas glory,
Only to return home with an amazing story.
The story of the Sugar Baron who turned sugar into gold,
(Not in the literal sense, but that's how the story is told.)
The lady of the house sashays through the halls,
Her finest of dresses she'll wear for the balls.
And let's not forget the antiques awaiting,
Each with a story that's so captivating,
Your senses will thank you, all five of them,
For the adventure to this historical gem.
Dining and touring are sure to make you weary,
But don't fret because our cottages are clearly,
The most luxurious on the river we'll guarantee that,
You will hurry like the elves and to Houmas will be back!


 Symphony Under the Oaks
Holiday Brass at Houmas House Plantation and Gardens

Sunday, December 10, 2017 4:30pm
David Torns, conductor

Houmas House Plantation and Gardens serves as the magnificent holiday back-drop for this family event.  The decorations and festivities are abundant during the Christmas 
Season in this historic setting.  Arrive early and stroll through the gardens, and make a dinner reservation for after the concert.  Join Associate Conductor David Torns and the BRSO Brass, Percussion and Harp as they perform all of your holiday favorites.
Note: this event is performed outside, subject to the weather permitting.  Should there be rain, the event will be moved to the Pavilion at Houmas House.   

Tickets to the Symphony are currently sold out, but a few reservations for dinner are available.

Reservations to Latil's Landing                                                         

Give the Gift of  Time

Gift certificates to Houmas House are the perfect gift for the person who has everything.   
In a world where everyone is always rushing to meetings and soccer practice and juggling too many things at once, isn't it important to reclaim the most valuable thing we have?  Time.  Escaping to Houmas House allows you to lose time while lingering over a meal.  Or maybe you want to lose track of what day it is while staying at our Inn and watching  the sun rise or set over the Mighty Mississippi River.  
Our guided mansion tour reminds us how past generations appreciated reflecting on life while rocking on the front porch and sipping ice tea.
What better gift can you give?  

Click Here to order your gift of time.  

Are the Stories True?

Have you always wanted to know the stories of the haunted plantations along the Great River Road?  Now is your chance to meet the authors of this book and read these tales for yourself!

Cheryl White and William Smith will be at Houmas House on December 9th from 11 am- 3 pm for a book signing of their new release
A Haunted History of Louisiana Plantations.  Books are available for purchase in the Houmas House gift shop. 
Louisiana plantations evoke images of grandeur and elegance. Beyond the facade of stately homes are stories of hope and subjugation, tragedy and suffering, shame and perseverance and war and conquest. After sixteen workers axed most of the Houmas House's ancient oak trees, referred to as "the Gentlemen," eight of the surviving trees eerily twisted overnight in grief over the losses wrought by a great Mississip
pi River flood. An illegal duel to reclaim lost honor left the 
grounds of Natchez's Cherokee Plantation bloodstained, but the victim's spirit may still wander there today. A mutilated slave girl named Chloe still haunts the halls of the Myrtles Plantation in St. Francisville. Cheryl H. White and W. Ryan Smith reveal the dark history, folklore and lasting human cost of Louisiana plantation life.
December 9, 2017
11 am- 3 pm
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 Open  Daily      


Sunday-Saturday: 9 am-7 pm

Cafe Burnside: 11 am-2 pm daily

Latil's Landing: Wed-Sat 6 pm-9 pm

Sunday Brunch: 11 am-3 pm

The Carriage House Restaurant:

    Breakfast- 8 am-10 am

    Dinner- 5 pm- 9 pm


   Directions to Houmas House Here



Houmas House Plantation | 40136 Hwy 942 (River Road) | Darrow, LA | 70725

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