The Gregg Preparatory School
  St Winifred's School
   View from the Window
                                                                  Autumn Term number 10
                                                                  24th November 2017

Dear Parents, 

We are all looking forward to our Welly Walk for Africa next Thursday and rather than sponsor the children, we are asking for a £2 donation for this wonderful charity.  The children should wear non uniform and their chosen attire should be suitable for woodland walking and a waterproof coat would go well with their wellies.  We are hoping for a crisp, sunny autumn morning but this is one thing we can't organise!

The Open Classroom event is on Monday 3.30 - 4.30 and we hope to see many of you there so your children can share their work with you.

On Friday Forms 5 and 6 will get their hard hats on when they arrive at The Gregg School to take part in an engineering workshop called Bridges4Schools. It promises to be a morning of problem solving and teamwork.   

The choir have been invited to sing at Mayflower Court during the first week of December.  This is a local residential care home and I know the children and the residents will enjoy meeting each other.   

Looking ahead our Term dates for next academic year, 2018-19, are now available, please click on the link in advance dates.

Mrs Caddy
Form 6 this week
This week, we are very much looking forward to our Tudor fund raising day on Thursday at The Gregg School - the Welly Walk for the charity Farm Africa.  And on the following day, an engineering workshop with Year 5, also at the Gregg School!  
In English this week, we will be working on a 'Short story' unit.  We will be looking at previous winners of the BBC 500 words competitions and working out the good features of these stories.  We will then be using these features and other grammar techniques to plan, improve and write our own short stories and feedback on each other's work.  
In Maths, we will be completing our measurement unit looking at the very practical contexts of length, mass, volume and time.  We will also be revising key methods and areas to follow up with fractions and other recent work using the online website IXL to focus our practise.  
In Science, we will be comparing series and parallel circuits and conducting an investigation as to how the length of wire effects components in a circuit.  In topic, we will be comparing the urban geographical location of our School with rural Schools in Norfolk and Scotland (both in terms of human and physical geography).  
Form 5 this week

In English next week, we will be scanning texts for accurate information to help us with our comprehension skills. We shall make sure that we are using commas accurately as well as looking at different types of sentences and if we are using them in using them in our work.

We will begin to look at statistics in Maths by completing, reading and interpreting information in tables including the use of timetables.

In Geography, having had interesting conversations about where in the world our food comes from and how far it travels, we shall start to look at imports and exports and the environmental impact of this.

This week in Science we are investigating the mystery of dissolving. We will find out which materials dissolve in a liquid t o create a solution and how to retrieve some liquids once they have been dissolved.

Coming up in Form 1
Maths: This week we will be looking at subtraction. The children will be looking at how we can use hops to move backwards one step at a time and a jump to move backwards ten steps at a time, using a number line. They will need to solve different subtraction problems using one and two digit numbers and will need to explain how they worked each of their answers out.

English: This week the children will continue to look at 'The Great Fire of London'. They will be thinking about the reaction of the Lord Mayor and at how he behaved at the start of the great fire. They will then be considering how the people of London may have felt about him once the fire had burned the city down. The children will then need to think about what they would have written if writing a letter to the King to get him sacked!

Science: In Science this week, the children will be linking their topic of materials to their central topic this half term of 'The Great Fire of London'. They will be investigating the materials that were used to build the city of London before the great fire and considering why or why not they were good materials to use, considering the properties of each of them.

Coming up for Form 3
This week in English, will be our final week looking at stories from other cultures. The children will be doing group reading on a story called Group "The Old Man and the Magic Bowl". The focus will be on punctuation, particularly commas. The children will also complete their own folktales including adverbs, adverbs and adverbials.
In Maths, the class will learn about fractions. How to recognise, find and write fractions. The children will work with unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small denominators. The children will be taught how to count in quarters, halves, thirds, eighths and sixths and how to use division to help find a fraction.
In Science, Form 3 will be continuing looking at what soil is made from. and the four main processes involved in soil formation. The children will explore compost, learn how it is made and focus on the health & safety aspect of using compost.
This Week:

Monday 27th November
Open Class 3.30 - 4.30pm

Wednesday 29th November
EYFS Teddy Bear Hospital

Thursday 30th November
Tudor Charity Day

Friday 1st December
Forms 5 and 6
The Gregg School
Advance Dates:

Friday 8th December
Whole School day trip
Please bring a packed lunch 
3.30pm Gregg Prep
Christmas Fair and Grotto

Monday 11th December
Early Years Christmas Show
2.30pm School Gym
Email office to reserve tickets

Tuesday 12th December
Early Years Christmas Show
9.30am School Gym
Email office to reserve tickets

Thursday 14th December
Christmas jumper day!
School Christmas lunch

Friday 15th December
Nativity and Carol Service
11am Highfield Church

In Form 2 this week

Christmas arrives this week... oh what fun!

In English we will continue to look and explore the features of information text. Then your children will plan their own information pages on Guy Fawkes because they now know a lot about him and his friends.  If children have their own research at home, please feel free for them to bring it in and share it with the class.  They will be creating all the features of an information page.  A visitor maybe greeting the class on Friday 1st of December... stay tuned!  

Next week will be a mixture of continuing to add and subtract 1 and 2 digit numbers in Maths but also they will be assessed of their doubling and halving skills.  They will be given a number and can use items to work out what double or half of a given number is.  Your children will continue to learn their 2s, 10s, 5s and 3 times tables in the knowledge that they will be able to use their recall skills when problem solving.

In Science we will be finding out which materials can be recycled and why.  We will look at the sorting and recycling processing, having a hands on approach to helping other children recycle.

In History the plot continues...
Reception and Preschool in the coming week

Preschool will begin to talk about the festival of 'Christmas'  this week. The children will share their knowledge about this festival and whether it is celebrated in their household. The mischief will begin no doubt, as the Christmas Elf will be about.

We will be reading the book, 'Dear Father Christmas, get well soon'. This will be linked to our visit from the Southampton Teddy Bear Hospital this week. Don't forget your teddies!

Phonics of the Week: 'c, k' 

Letters and Sounds focus: Instrumental Sounds                                  

Another fantastic week in Early Years. The children have really enjoyed looking out for signs of winter and practicing their Christmas show.
Next week we will reading The Jolly Postman by Alan Ahlberg and we will introduce the concept of letter writing. In Maths we will be introducing money and finding out what coins we recognise.
We have some exciting events coming up next week. On Wednesday afternoon we have the
Teddy Bears Hospital workshop team coming in to school, this will encourage the children to think about their own health and wellbeing whilst also talking about what keeps them healthy and safe. For this workshop the children will need to bring in a cuddly toy from home. Please ensure that it is labelled and perhaps consider bringing in a toy that will not be missed should it get lost in school. On Thursday we will be visiting The Gregg School for a sponsored walk around their grounds. The children are allowed to wear their own clothes this day but we will be in the muddy field so do dress appropriately. All children will need their wellies and overalls for this activity. We are raising money for Action Africa so please bring a £2 donation on the day.
We have lots of children without water bottles in school at the moment and this limits their access to water when we move around the school. Please ensure your child has a water bottle in school.
Thank you for your continued support
The Early Years Team
Form 4 this week
Maths: I ts all about telling the time!
We shall start off on Monday with an assessment of telling the time, analogue and digital clocks. Over the weekend it would be a good idea to ask your child what the time is and calculate some time difference's as a reminder for them.Following on from this, we shall be reading and telling the time on analogue and digital clocks for 12 and 24 hours. This will involve reasoning and problem solving around time problems.

Next week in English form four will be starting a new focus of learning based on a biography.We shall be looking at the work of Leonardo De Vinci and how he was also a talented inventor as well as an artist. To begin with, we shall be  thinking about the theme of inventions and how they have changed people's lives, now, in the past and how they will change them in the future. We shall be learning about how to identify past tense, present and past continuous tense.
In Science w e shall be investigating the following question ' Which liquid does the least damage to eggshells?'  In this Session we are going to look at the importance of keeping our teeth healthy. We shall be looking at the structure of the toothand reading the book I Know Why I Brush my Teeth by Kate Rowan. We shall be finding out what children  know about tooth decay and why it happens.
Boudicca's rebellion
We shall be focusing on life as a Celt under Roman rule and learn what went wrong to cause the rebellion led by Boudicca. Following this, the children will be sequencing the events that led  to the Battle of Colchester.
We shall be exploring what influence over Britain and its heritage this rebellion had.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS week beginning 27th November


Dance Club with Miss Cutler. No formal dance wear required, children are expected to wear sports kit and appropriate footwear. 
Miss Hamilton will be assisting the children before and after each group. 
Group 1 Preschool + Reception from 3.30pm to 4pm (max 12 places)
Group 2 Forms 1 and 2 and 3 from 4pm to 4.30pm (max 12 places)

Homework Club for Forms 3 to 6 from 3.30pm to 4.15pm


Before School Spanish Club 8.15 to 8.45am with Ruth Kibble. Full details from Hummingbird Languages

Recorder Club  for Forms 1, 2 and 3 with Mrs Caddy/Miss Sharratt from 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Book Club for Forms 1 and 2 with Mrs Carrett (max 10 places) from 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Lego/Meccano Club  for Forms 2 and 3 with Mrs Lincoln (max 12 places) from 3.30pm to 4.15pm 

Running Club will be an indoor sports club for the remainder of this term due to the dark nights for members already signed up (from 3.30pm to 4.30pm) 

Textiles Club for Forms 3 to 6 with Mrs Jolley (max 12 places) from 3.30pm to 4.30pm


Colouring/Puzzle Club for Forms 1 and 2 with Miss Tunmore (max 12 places) from 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Multi Sports Club for Forms 1 to 3  with Mrs Lissaman (max 12 places)  from 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Art Club for  Forms 3 to 6  with Mrs Shone  (m ax 12 places) from 3.30pm to 4.15pm

Homework/Music Practice Club for Forms 3 to 6 with Mrs Caddy from 3.30pm to 4.15pm


Build it Club for Reception with Miss Cutler and Miss Hamilton from 3.30pm to 4.15pm 

CHOIR for Forms 1 to 6 with Mrs Caddy from 3.30pm to 4.15pm.


Homework Club for Forms 3 to 6 from 3.30pm to 4.15pm