Nativity Lutheran Church

1300 Collingwood Road

Alexandria, VA 22308


The Rev. Brent H. Thalacker, Pastor

People of Nativity, Ministers

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November 15, 2017
24th Sunday after Pentecost
9:30 am
Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope-word, water, bread and wine-eager to welcome the good news of Christ's coming among us.
Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting This Sunday, November 19
I mmediately following worship, we will hold a congregational meeting to election Council officers and review the annual budget and program updates.  We have invited Frazier O'Leary, who we have engaged to work a "pre-launch" for Oasis, our impending program for middle school families, to present an update.  Plenty of time will be allotted for Q&A.
Stewardship Season

The month of November finds us focused on Stewardship... the understanding that all we have comes from God and giving that reflects our response to our bounteous God.  So we commit ourselves to a plan of making our wealth, time and talent available to Christ's church and the work we do for the sake of the Gospel.  

Again this year, we are grateful for Joe Mattis who is leading our stewardship presentation in November.  
" We Give Our Best... God Does the Rest."  
This theme presents both the challenge we embrace in offering our best to God and the graceful good news that God will take whatever we offer and perfect it.  

In this year ahead we will be invited to look back on God's faithfulness with Nativity for over 50 years, look around in love at the opportunities for ministry in our community in the present, and  look forward and upward in hope to what lies ahead.  Our presentation concludes on Christ the King, the last Sunday of the church year, with the expectation that our individual intentions and commitments will be gathered by the Nativity of our Lord.

May God bless us with glad and generous hearts!
Save the Date for Nativity's Annual Christmas Brunch

Mark  December 9 on your calendars now! Sandi Kottman will host Nativity's Annual Christmas Brunch at her home (9112 Volunteer Drive) starting at 11:30 am.  Questions?  Contact Sandi directly at [email protected].
Flowers, Candles and Fellowship
Flowers are given this Sunday by Sandi Kottman in memory of loved ones.  Vera Fessler gives candles for blessings received.

Pastor Brent provides a sweet, simple and brief fellowship because we have work to do at the annual meeting.
There are still opportunities for providing candles over these next few weeks.  Sign up sheet is in the narthex.  Simply drop a $10 check marked "candles" in the offering.  Your participation will be noted in our Connect .
Our fully outfitted nursery is ready for childcare...  even on the mornings when no staff is available.  We will attempt to offer any visitors who need it our undivided attention and assistance.  See Pastor if you have any questions.
Thanks to Carrie and our singers for  special music.  Voices young and old, new or experienced are always welcome. Simply show up at 8:45 am any Sunday and the rest will take care of itself! 
 Questions or  interest? See Carrie.         [email protected]
UCM's Food Pantry wants to provide heart healthy, non-perishable food items to its clients, especially necessary these days are canned tuna and boxed cereals.  Cart for your donation is as always located in the narthex.

Thanks to all who contributed to the diaper drive!  According to Bob Wales, Nativity collected over 1000 diapers and over 100 lbs of food to support the needy clients of UCM.  Of course, you don't have to wait for a drive to contribute to the work of UCM... always looking for volunteers and monetary assistance.  "Mark your check UCM."
The Last Word...
I'm penning this in my office on a Tuesday afternoon...and hearing voices.  No, I haven't gone round the bend (that happened a while ago).  In a time when the building has always been silent, laughter issues from the nearby Fellowship Hall and I am glad.  This week we had a "roll out" of sorts...15 intermediate age students attended a gathering of young "would be" entrepreneurs.  This was not a grand opening of our outreach to the middle school community located all around us in the sense of balloons, confetti, ribbon cutting and a brass band...just a somewhat quiet get together (in prelaunch mode).  We hope gatherings like this might spring up in our building around many themes and times meant to assist the families of students who transition their way through the schools in our neighborhood ...this was the first.  It could be the initial strand of a woven tapestry of ministry we would call "Oasis."

Is this a way to get people to become interested in and join Nativity LC?  God only knows.  We know we will never have an answer to that question unless we try.  But we are not trying it for that rather narrow reason.  Since we are fast approaching the end of the 500th anniversary of Luther's start to the Reformation, we thought we'd test his declaration that "when schools flourish, all flourishes."

Just as we say that churches are people not buildings, so it is with schools.  While the structures may be impressive and helpful, it is the people who count.  And not the administrators or teachers...a school can only flourish when her students do.  I wish I could regale you with all the ways we are sure to help young people grow and thrive...we are a ways away from settling on any particulars of a program.  It is after all a prelaunch.  We do know that it must be enjoyable for the students and deemed worthwhile by the parents.  So I am certain of one will take a little time for it to take. 

What is enticing is Luther's bold word of prediction and promise.  He doesn't hedge his bets or say some might be somewhat better off.  He boldly forecasts that whole communities become healthy and vigorous when schools lead the is the bell cow of prosperity.  And if we can do something to assist those on our territory, then we shall share in the resulting good fortune.  Right now we are trying to enable the flourishing without flourish. We won't be waving dramatically with exaggerated gestures intended to attract attention to least not yet!

Wish us well.  I hope wherever you are you find one or some to help flourish.  As a result of your risk you may become both a facilitator of and participant in the wider sharing of the says Luther!  No argument here.

Pastor Brent,
November 19, 2017
Counters: Joe Mattis & Don Bright

Lector:  Abbey Barbera

Worship Assistant: Scott Robinson

Ushers: Don Bright & Pat Schneider

Altar Guild: Esther Johnson
Down the Road
4 Sundays of Stewardship
Our theme is "We Give Our Best... God does the Rest."  

November 19
Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting following worship... elections, budget considerations and program updates... questions asked and answered (as best we are able)   It will be exciting to welcome six new voting members to our meeting!

November 23-24
Thanksgiving Holiday Office Closed

November 26
Christ the King, Last Sunday of the Church Year

December 3
First Sunday in Advent

December 24
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion, 9:30 am

Christmas Eve Candlelight Holy Communion, 6 pm


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When those Nativity emails get deleted, you can always find our Connects published on Facebook!   Liking us is an easy form of EVANGELISM and INVITING OTHERS to Nativity since your "Likes" show up on your daily feed.


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STAR Mission Statement

SEEK to grow in God's Word

TELL the story of Jesus' love & forgiveness

ACT as God's Hands in the world

REACH OUT to welcome all


The Rev. Brent H. Thalacker,


[email protected] 


Carrie Brutscher, Music Director

[email protected]


Debbie Bowers, Council President


Sandy Reed-Bryant, Treasurer 

Patrick Schneider, Financial Secretary

[email protected]


Marianne Wendel, Secretary

[email protected]

Weekly Calendar
November 19, 2017 thru
November 26, 2017
9:30 am
Holy Communion 
Fellowship following
10:30 am Congregational Meeting
11:30 am  COI Service
2:00 pm  Cristo te Llama
6:30 pm  Boy Scout Meeting
7:30 pm AA Meeting

1:00 pm  
 AA Meeting
7:30 pm 
 Cristo te Llama
9:30 am Music Together
1:00 pm  AA Meeting
2:00 pm MS Initiative

10:00 am 
Pastor Brent in office

Office Closed


Office closed

All day
6:00 pm
Cristo Te Llama