Woods College Eagle
The WCAS Eagle is a newsletter intended to provide you
with the most up to date and important information from
the Woods College.
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Thanksgiving Edition 2017
As always, we are grateful for the students, faculty, and staff at the Woods College. Thank you for your commitme nt to Boston College and to Woods.  We wish you a wonderful and blessed holiday!
Woods College Manresa Experience Fall Lecture 
Author Tom Rinaldi speaks to standing room only crowd

Tom Rinaldi, The Red Bandanna's Author
Lessons in character, calling, and courage are on the syllabus in seven courses at the Woods College this semester, as undergraduates collectively read the story of Boston College alumnus Welles Remy Crowther, '99 who lost his life leading others to safety on September 11, 2001.

The shared reading is part of the inaugural Woods College Manresa Experience, an initiative launched this fall to encourage and support students in their professional, personal, and spiritual discernment. 

Alison Crowther, mother of 
Welles Crowther, '99
So far this semester, the Manresa Experience has included a book discussion and dinner for participants with Woods College Dean James Burns, I.V.D; invitations to the Welles Remy Crowther 5K Red Bandanna Run, a signature BC event held annually to raise funds for the Welles Remy Crowther Charitable Trust;
and an evening with The Red Bandanna's author, Tom Rinaldi, that also was attended by Welles' mother, Alison Crowther.

Two students from each class are designated by faculty and staff as Woods College Manresa Scholars. The inaugural cohort assembled for a group photo prior to The Red Bandanna author Tom Rinaldi's campus appearance. L-R standing: Woods College Associate Dean for Enrollment Claudia Pouravelis, Tom Rinaldi, Katelyn Whalen, Muhammad Hassan, Brenna Woolf, Anna Asaridis, Sarah Harvey, Judithe Depina, Gabby Hoxsie, Shanshan Li, Michael Savarese, Dean James Burns, I.V.D. L-R seated: Justin Mascioli, Jason Wallace, Xuhuantao Bei. Not pictured: West Price-Ashby, Tyler Sullivan-Prada.
(Frank Curran photo)

Manresa Scholar West Price-Ashby has his copy of
The Red Bandanna  signed by author Tom Rinaldi
Bringing Practitioners to the Classroom
Guest Lecture Highlights

Jack and Eileen Connors Connect with BC Students
By Edward "Ted" Donahue, Woods College Sophomore

BC Trustee Jack Connors and his wife Eileen, who is a "Double Eagle," visited Dr. Janice Barrett's Principles of Advertising Woods College class to share their advice, wisdom and insights. When Jack and Eileen Connors entered the Stokes classroom, even before they were formally introduced, they connected directly with each student by asking a few simple questions, "Who are you? Where are you from? What is your major?"

After the couple spoke, but before they left the classroom, they took the time to shake everyone's hand. In my opinion, the attention they gave to each individual and the care they took to learn something about each student was incredible. These actions speak loudly to who they are. They genuinely care and believe in the potential of all students, especially those of us who are studying at Boston College.  Read more .


Hank Phillippi Ryan joins Professor 
Tom MacDonald's  " Techniques of Precise Expression" class, 
Wednesday, November 1.

Hank Phillippi Ryan has won 28 Emmy Awards and 12 Edward R. Murrow A wards for her TV reporting. 
For mystery writing, she has won 5 Agatha Christie Awards and a Mary Higgins Clark Award.  Hank spoke about her writing, her books, publishing and editing, and many other topics the students inquired about.  

Hank is also the subject of this month's Positive Refrain - Authors & Artists,  a new WCAS Eagle feature highlighting authors and artists.   Woods College Eagle Contributor, junior, Dina Coughlan shares: 
"In this exclusive and original interview with the Woods College Eagle, Hank shares some of her time-management secrets, literary tips for writing award-winning thrillers, and some straightforward advice from her mother. I hope you enjoy this inspirational and educational interview with Hank." 
Dina Coughlan, WCAS.
Study Days at Haley House
Prepare for finals in a quiet study space. 
Coffee, hot chocolate, and treats will be served.

All Woods College students are invited to enjoy  quiet study space in preparation for finals:

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 12/11, 12/12, and 12/13, in Haley House from
2:00-6:00 p.m.

Sarah Says 
A piece of advice from longtime WCAS administrator Sarah Piepgrass

"A Thought for Thanksgiving"
While it's great at this particular time to be thankful in global, "macro" ways, please take every occasion throughout the year to send out thankful positive vibes into the universe for small things: for the traffic light that turns green when you're in a hurry; for the sale at the store on something you were going to buy anyway; for the cold that doesn't bloom into a flu; for a good night's sleep; for a kind word to or from another person. Always appreciate/never underestimate the power of the positive. Just google "the power of positive energy" and you'll be amazed at how much literature is devoted to the concept. Read through some of the articles and try to incorporate into your daily life the concept of positivity in both passive and active ways. Your micro world and the greater macro world will be better for it.

Happy Thanksgiving!
McMullen Museum Days!

Saturday, December 9th, 12pm-5pm

As part of its annual celebration, the McMullen Museum of Art will contribute festive activities throughout its opening hours. The Museum will offer holiday-themed vocal performances by BC's Madrigal Singers at 12:30 pm and live music by The Millis Berfield Band starting at 1:00 pm , while visitors sip hot chocolate and eat holiday treats, tour the exhibitions, listen to Flemish Christmas tales in the galleries, and make their own tree ornaments and holiday decorations. This event is free and open to the public. Visitors of all ages are welcome!
Local Clothing Donations Needed! 

Donations are always be accepted to help local community members in need. ABCD Allston-Brighton is accepting donations of new or gently used clothes for donation during this upcoming holiday season.
Reminder: Spring Registration is now available.

Our Spring 2018 Catalog is available online!

Click on the image for course information and schedule

For a full list of Important Dates and Deadlines: 

Boston College | The Woods College of Advancing Studies | (617) 552-3900 [email protected] | ww.bc.edu/woods