November 22, 2017
Happy Thanksgiving To All of You!
During the past six Sundays, our Crossroads Kids learned about "prayers of gratitude". 

This past Sunday, the kids shared what they are grateful for during our worship time. I encouraged them to ask their families what they are thankful for during your thanksgiving dinner. 

Being grateful for what we have in our lives is a spiritual practice that we will continue to do the rest of the year.

This Sunday at Crossroads!
David had wanted to build a house for God, but God's house
was only to be built by a man of peace. David did not qualify. 
But Solomon, David's son,  ruled over a land at peace.

Bring your children this Sunday for our  9:00 or  11:00 am gatherings, so we can learn more about how Solomon built God's Temple.

Click here to visit our website

November Service Opportunity
Our service focus for November is Uganda. 
The kids will write letters to the children in Uganda. 
3rd - 5th graders will continue to make bagged lunches for our 
       DC Homeless Mission the first and third Sunday of the month at 9:00 am.                     
Crossroads Happenings
24th Annual Thanksgiving Day Race
is Tomorrow!

Whether you run to win, run for fun, run to support a good cause, or run just because you want a guilt-free day of eating - plan to join us for the 24th Annual Ashburn Farm 10K/5K and 2K Fun Run Thanksgiving Day races! 

Great event to do as a family!

Drop-in registration (while space is available)
Continues until race morning at Crossroads United Methodist Church
November 21 10am - 5pm, November 22 (Wednesday) 2pm - 8pm and Race Day, November 23 (Thursday) 6:45am - 8am.
Children's Book Drive
Eagle Scout Project
Ian Devenish of Troop 1666, which meets at Crossroads, is holding a children's book drive to support Loudoun Literacy Council, whose mission is "to provide low income adults and children with the literacy proficiency, communication skills and confidence to not only attain self-sufficiency but also thrive in Loudoun County".
Drop off dates:  December 1-2 in the Crossroads foyer
Collecting: Children's books up through high school reading level

Parenting Seminar
Wednesday, November 29th
7-8:30 pm  @ Crossroads UMC 


This event is offered to the community free of charge.

New findings show that the greatest  changes to the parts of the brain  that are responsible for functions  such as self-control, judgments,  emotions, and organization occur  between puberty and adulthood. This  helps explain certain teenage  behavior that adults can find  mystifying.

During this engaging presentation, licensed professional counselor and family therapist Neil McNerney will share specific skills to foster greater understanding between you and your teen so you can restore calm, reclaim respect, and regain love and fun within your family.

Questions? Click here or contact Marilyn Perry, Crossroads UMC's Student and Family  Ministry Director.

Are you feeling that your marriage needs a bit of a spark? Or do you simply need space and a trusted babysitter? We can provide both!

The objective of Dates With a Purpose is to make space for couples to have focused time together to invest in their marriage. Dates With a Purpose will give you the opportunity to meet other married couples, share stories, gain relationship tools, and laughs. From this place, you will head out on your dates with thoughts that we hope will inspire discussion and a renewed sense of the gift of your marriage.

The kids will be making a "Surprise Gift" for the children in the children's wing at Inova Loudoun Hospital. We will learn about "The Shepherd's Visit" to Baby Jesus and about how important it is to develop strong trusting relationships.

When : 2nd Saturday of each month at 5:45pm (Registration closes the Monday before)
Where : Crossroads building (43454 Crossroads Dr.) in the Discipleship Room.
Click here to register for the December 9th event.

Questions? Contact Flor Norris, Director of Children Ministries.

Crossroads Happenings
Supportive Communities

They meet every 1st & 3rd Friday, from 12 - 2pm during the school year.

MOMSNext is a group experience designed to encourage, equip and develop mothers of school-age children. 

They meet every 2nd and 4th Fridays, from 9:00 - 11:30am during the school year. (However they are meeting the 1st and 3rd Fridays through the holidays.)

MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers - is for women with children ages birth through kindergarten who desire fellowship, encouragement and friendship with other moms. While the moms meet, w e offer a curriculum for our kids, where they will learn more about God's love and the teachings of Jesus. 

Click here for more information or contact Tammie Bond.