November 2017
Your NEW SUN eNews is here!  Take a break from your hectic schedule and read what's going on in SDAHU's world!  Check out the articles below - don't forget to take a look at the website for upcoming meetings and events!
Diamond Level Corporate Sponsors

Sean Greene, President
President's Message

It's certainly an interesting time to be the President of our organization.  While we have successfully calmed down the flames of single payer in California (at least for a few months), Washington has decided to add some additional curve balls.  I won't take anything away from what our VP of Legislation as well as our VP Of PAC will be discussing in their articles, but needless to say, the importance of what we do here at SDAHU/CAHU/NAHU only continue to grow.  

Barry Cogdill, VP of Finance
Broker Rant

Well, well. Winter is here.  That means a combination of things in the insurance world.  January has always been a popular renewal date for group health insurance, and it aligns fiscal years with the reset button on most health plan's annual deductible and out of pocket accumulation amounts.  But, December has also become a heavyweight month for renewals.

Emerald Level Corporate Sponsors

Jim Morrison, VP of Legislation
Legislative Update

Hello SDAHU,
We are in the midst of another busy fourth quarter. I hope you are holding up well. I wanted to provide an update on several bills that CAHU has been monitoring this year and that were signed by the Governor.

Scott Maichel, VP of Membership
Membership Update

SDAHU membership continues to grow month after month. Our chapter is a leader among all California chapters in this area. Please help me welcome these 8 new and renewing members who joined us in September and October:

Ruby Level Corporate Sponsors

Joel Marcus
Joel Marcus, Public Service Chair
Philanthropic Corner

It has been a wonderful year of public service for SDAHU, reaching into the community and helping our philanthropic partners.  We have given over $25,000 in cash and in-kind products to Rady Special Needs Clinic , The Helen Bernardy Center for Medically Fragile Children, Banding Together, Rachel's Women's Center, Ray of Sunshine, Emilio Nares Foundation and the Colina De Luz Christian Home for Children Dental Clinic. 

Terri Yurek, VP of PAC
PAC Update

As your PAC chair, I am here to remind you that CAHU PAC is here to help brokers and agents save their jobs. WE ARE ALL IN THIS FIGHT TOGETHER. Your PASSION AND COMMITMENT are needed more than ever.

San Diego Association of Health Underwriters (SDAHU)
Tel: (858) 883-2486 | [email protected] |