Ryan said the taste was "terrible." Powdered milk, gritty and watered down, nothing like what Ryan knew should be in his cereal.
Real milk was about $2 at the grocery store across the street from his family's Milwaukee home, but times were tough.

Like Ryan said in this story"We were poor, and I promised myself I'd never be in that place again. But I didn't really know how to avoid that."
Because of you and your support, Ryan considers himself one of the "lucky" teens in our community. Ryan used lessons and guidance from SecureFutures programs to take control of his financial future.
But we know there are thousands of teens like Ryan who currently don't have access to financial literacy resources.
You can fill the gap for a generation of teens in our community. Join our movement of supporters who believe every single teen deserves financial skills and guidance. 

On behalf of Ryan and all the teens you'll help us to empower in the coming year, thank you!
Brenda's signature
- Brenda Campbell, President and CEO
SecureFutures (formerly Make A Difference - Wisconsin)