Philanthropy Magnified Impact Report
November 2017
Let's Talk Philanthropy: Housing

One year ago, Community Foundation was involved in developing a two day presentation and community conversation about housing needs in Tompkins County. Our work in this area continues with a small group conversation among donors interested in housing. Let's Talk Philanthropy wraps up its 2017 lunch gatherings on December 7.
CLICK HERE Details and registration for upcoming Let's Talk Philanthropy: Housing
CLICK HERE  Housing Summit resources from 2016 summit


GivingTuesday is a national day of giving that occurs on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday each year.

#NYGivesDay is a 24-hour giving challenge brought to you by the New York Council of Nonprofits and United Way of New York State to celebrate the life-changing work of nonprofits across the vast state of New York. Powered by Ithaca's own GiveGab, the Nonprofit Giving Platform, #NYGivesDay is a day for nonprofits to come together, share their stories, and collect online donations! On November 28, 2017, coinciding with this year's #GivingTuesday movement, nonprofits across the Empire State will work together to raise awareness, collect donations, and continue changing the world for the better!

$100,000 Donor Boosts Grant Making


A long-time Ithaca resident has pledged $100,000 to Community Foundation to create a new endowment that will support a wide range of local nonprofit organizations . 

Community Foundation board members, stewards of the endowment, expressed gratitude for the gift and look forward to others supporting it as well. "We are so grateful for this gift. It is a vote of confidence in how our grantmaking engages the community to address local needs," said Randy Ehrenberg, current board chair. Incoming chair Susan H. Murphy added, "This new endowment gives us greater flexibility and more resources to meet emerging local challenges today and well into the future!"   click here for full story

Notes of Thanks from the Community

Yael Saar, Emerson Suites, Ithaca College
Some excerpts of support from community stakeholders is as follows:

"I would like to start with a sincere thank you to the Community Foundation for the work that you have done and the leadership you have shown in driving the community toward thriving through collective impact."
Dominick Recckio
Chamber of Commerce

"The coordination of activities and the consolidation of resources and efforts that result from the  conversations in Cradle to Career, as well as the cooperation and alignment that become possible  through this initiative are beneficial to every organization that participates in the initiative and  increases the impact of collective and individual programs to the benefit of everyone in Tompkins  County."
Yael Saar
Mama's Comfort Camp

"We truly appreciate the generous support that the Community Foundation has given to the genesis and growth of collective impact efforts over a few years now, beginning with your support of seven community members to attend the Tamarack Institute's conference in Toronto so that they could share the  principles and benefits of using a CI approach to address big issues here at home."
Laura Branca
The Building Bridges Initiative

Make a Gift Before the End of 2017
Contributions in honor or in memory of loved ones make wonderful holiday gifts. 


2017 Holiday Office Hours and Gift Date Deadlines
YOU are Invited to our Holiday Open House
Drop by Friday, December 8 from 10AM-2PM to mingle with generous people and amazing organizations who have special wishes to make our community a better place!  Plus we will have lots of cookies.
