Ram's Horn
November 17, 2017

Adventures in Parenting
I came across this article this week and thought it was well worth the read. Parenting is quite the adventure and, in partnering with you, we want to share any information we can to help guide you in this journey! Please take the time to read through the article and its suggestions.

Click HERE to read the article

Happy Thanksgiving! I pray that each of you is blessed by the love of Christ and your love for one another this holiday.
-Mrs. Jennings
Christmas Planning
Getting a head start on your Christmas shopping? While we can't check off all the names on your list,  the PTL does make it easy to contribute to cash gifts for the teachers (who doesn't like cash?). Watch for a letter with more information coming home the week after Thanksgiving.
Thank you so much! 

Blessing s,

Veteran's Breakfast
Thanks to faculty and students for a phenomenal inaugural 
Thank You Veterans Breakfast! Amazing!


Presented by Jack Lipski, M.A.
Shepherd School Counselor
WHAT?               A "hands on" training session to help kids recognize
                             and avoid dangerous strangers.  Plus, handouts
                             and information for parents.
WHO?                 Children ages 4 to 9 and their parents.
                             (Parents must attend with their children)
WHEN?               Sunday, December 3rd, 4:00 to 5:00 PM.
WHERE?            Parish Hall (building east of the gym
Help your kids find answers to the following questions:
                   --Who is a dangerous stranger?
                   --What are the two tactics strangers always use on kids?
                   --How can kids recognize and resist a lure?
                   --What can kids do to protect themselves?
                   --What is inappropriate touch?
Kids will have opportunities to practice and role-play real life situations to help them remember and have the courage to protect themselves.  Space is limited.  Please, SIGN UP IN ADVANCE by calling Jack Lipski  303-798-0711, ext. 372. or email at [email protected]

Piano Lessons at Shepherd 
Did you know that private piano lessons are available at Shepherd during the school day?  Nancy Duensing has been teaching piano to Shepherd students for 30 years. For more information, email Nancy, [email protected].

Street Smart at SouthGlenn   
It's easy to help our school earn $250 to $2500. Just shop and log receipts from any of The Streets at SouthGlenn stores and restaurants between August 15, 2017 and April 30, 2018. Our school earns five points per dollar spent, with many additional bonus points opportunities. Receipts can be logged at the Retail/Residential Management Office or dropped in the collection box in the Concierge Lobby if you do not need them returned. Remember to tell your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to log their receipts. Anyone can support your school in the Street Smarts program. Questions? Contact Audrey Monson, [email protected].

Miss a Newsletter? Wonder When the Next One Is?
The school newsletter is published on the first and third Fridays of each month. If you missed one or would just like to go back and read a previous version, click HERE
Jack's Corner

Our family life is just constant  travel from one activity to another.  It seems like we don't have any real family time.  I feel like life is slipping away and the kids are growing up too fast.  Our stress level makes us irritable and exhausted.  My wife and I constantly play "tag-team". What advice do you have?
ANSWER:  Certainly, life these days is hectic and over-scheduled, especially as the Holidays approach, but you need not resign yourself to a life of "irritability and exhaustion".  It takes courage, organization
and determination...