Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.
-Margaret Mead
Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS)
We are continuing to accept submissions for the 2017 Green Hospital Scorecard! This invitation is extended to all hospitals across Canada.

The Green Hospital Scorecard (GHS) provides meaningful measures of hospital operations, management, and policy adoption in the energy and environment sphere, and benchmarks environmental performance for hospitals alongside de-identified peer data. The survey collecting data for 2016 is now open! Participation is FREE.

For more information on the Green Hospital Scorecard follow this link .

Here is a video of the educational webinar that overviews how to filling out the survey, along with key areas of interest.

If you would like your become involved in the GHS, you can contact .
Adjustment of an energy incentive
Ontario has announced the future adjustment of one incentive in the Conservation and Demand Management (CDM). This shift of this lucractive incentive will place an emphasis away from fossil fuel reliant energy systems. If you want to learn more about this adjustment, you can follow this link .

Ontario announces Hospital Energy Efficiency Program
A significant announcement is the Hospital Energy Efficiency Program (HEEP) . This program will involve funding 180 projects at 98 hospitals across the province, including 117 heating, ventilation and air conditioning projects, 35 lighting projects and 28 projects that address other energy efficiency needs at hospitals. It is estimated that $60 million will be saved by hospitals on energy through these various programs. This is a large investment in health care, and a major step towards sustainability.

If your hospital is interested in improving their energy efficiency, follow the links to the Green Hospital Score Card and our Health Care Energy Leaders Ontario (HELO) webpages.
Healthcare Climate Change Resiliency entering 2nd Cohort
The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is currently accepting applications for our second Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring Cohort. Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring is a program that provides tools, resources, and guidance for facilities to evaluate and increase their resiliency to climate change impacts.

"Participating in this program really identified areas that our facilities team had to concentrate on. Not only were we able to target specific areas of preparedness, we were able to form action plans for some of the risks, such as obtaining water if there was a drought. Being a Public Private Partnership (P3) hospital, this exercise helped us create a better understanding of how our preparedness partnered with the building’s maintenance team as well. We would definitely recommend that a hospital go through this program to help identify areas that may require some more preparation in our changing climate."

Eileen Benedictus and Dorthy Duguay
North Bay Regional Health Centre

Climate change impacts are here now - is your facility ready? If you are interested in participating in the mentoring program, fill out an interest form here . For more information on the program, click here .
OECD releases report on Healthy people, healthy planet
Healthy people, healthy planet outlines the meeting between G7 Ministers of Health, provides a broad overview of the main policy issues and policy action that has a direct impact on public health.
This PDF highlights ways in which health systems can provide a substantial contribution to combating climate change. These areas include:
i) promoting a healthier diet for a greener environment
ii) contributing to the development of sustainable cities
iii) supporting active travel policies.

Click on the image to access this internationally compiled resource.
Recycling Success Story: Carolina's Health Care System- Pineville
Kady Cowan, past chair and Lifetime Member of the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care, shares information on the Carolinas Healthcare System recycling program.
City Parks: The New Infrastructure - Health & Social Benefits
This video series chronicles the various effects park have on community health. In this video it is stated that 3.2 trillion dollars are spent in the United States every year on health care, with 86% of those expenditures being spent on managing chronic disease. This series displays the health benefits to creating park and garden space. Dr Robert Zarr describes how for every dollar spent on parks infrastructure, there is a return of $3 saved in associated health care costs.

Canadian patients and hospital staff can benefit from integrating green space into their sites. More information on the effects of park infrastructure and public health can be found here .
CCHL Webinar with The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care 

Green Health Leaders: Lead, follow or get out of the way of the tornados

December 12, 2017 
12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
On June 13, 2017 the Canadian College of Health Leaders (CCHL), HealthCare Can , and Synergie Santé Environnement (SSE) partnered with the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care (CCGHC) to host the first Green Health Leaders workshop at the National Health Leaders Conference in Vancouver. Click here to access the meeting invite, the workshop presentation and the summary report from the workshop.
This Webinar will provide an overview of the relationship between health and the environment and build the case for health leaders to become stronger champions for the environment. New trends including the need to build resiliency and adapt to climate change, carbon pricing and opportunities arising from the clean tech revolution will be discussed. Results of a workshop held at the National Health Leadership Conference in Vancouver will be summarized and a conversation with a CEO that participated will be part of the presentation. Participants will also be asked to text their feedback and suggestions for necessary actions. 

  • Neil Ritchie, Presenter, Lead, Green Health Leader’s Initiative, The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care 
  • Anne Marie Malek, President and CEO, West Park Health Center
  • JJ Knott, Vice Chair of the Board, Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care
This webinar is free of charge!

*Webinar details will be provided following registration 
CHES 2018 National Conference

CHES 2018 National Conference
St. John's NL 
September 16-18, 2018
St. John's Convention Centre
Call for Abstract Submissions

We are seeking leaders from Canada and beyond to inspire, demonstrate, educate and share with CHES members the stories, tips, trials, methods and solutions to help us to improve patient outcomes with smarter infrastructure.
Like other CHES National Conferences, our education program will also feature two tracks. Our goal is the delivery of an educational program that directly links to the theme of the conference.

Please go to  to fill out the  call for abstracts form  and further details.
We look forward to seeing you in St. John’s!

Registration is now open!
6th National Summit on Data Analytics for Healthcare

December 4, 2017 - December 5, 2017
Marriot Toronto Airport, Toronto, ON Canada

Be a part of the only Canadian conference that brings together researchers and clinicians to enhance the way analytics are being used in the healthcare industry. Source best practices and gain insights into strategies that you can apply to your own organization.

Registration is still open.

Change for Climate Talks
December 7, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta

On December 7, 2017, Edmonton will host 'Change for Climate Talks', an inaugural event to inspire Edmontonians to take action. By making small changes to our lifestyles, homes, workplaces, transportation, and even food choices, we'll help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions together.

Doors will open at 5:30pm for you to enjoy food and a cash bar, with talks beginning at 6:30pm. Don't miss your chance to join the movement! Get your tickets now for only $10.00. Add your name to the waitlist here .
National Health Leadership Conference 

June 4-5, 2018  
St. John's, Newfoundland 

This conference is the largest national gathering of health system decision-makers in Canada including trustees, chief executive officers, directors, managers, department heads and other health leaders representing various sectors and professions in health regions, authorities and alliances, hospitals, long-term care organizations, public health agencies, community care, mental health and social services. As well, the conference draws participants from government, education and research organizations, professional associations, consulting firms and industry. 

Creating the winning conditions for change 

Download the comprehensive brochure here

Future conference dates: 
June 10-11, 2019 – Toronto, Ontario 
June 15-16, 2020 – Edmonton, Alberta
Upcoming Webinars
How to design, implement and evaluate behaviour change interventions in a sector that is often overlooked but has huge energy efficiency potentials: hospitals

Dec 21, 2017 @ 9:00 AM (EST)
Duration: 1h

The Carolina Healthcare System (CHS) in the Carolinas is among the leading, and largest healthcare organizations in the U.S., employing 62,000 people in 940 care locations. The system has 7,500 beds and over 12 million patient encounters every year. In its commitment to energy management, efficiency and conservation, the organization is pursuing strategies to decrease its energy use. One such strategy is implementing programmes that encourage building facilities staff to change their behaviour.

The first phase in the CHS behaviour change program, Energy Connect, is an intervention that encourages operators to detect and act on energy inefficiencies within the buildings they are responsible for. Building operators account for a small percentage of people in each building, but have a disproportionally high impact on energy use. Therefore, if they were to change their behaviours, they could dramatically reduce overall energy use. IEA DSM Task 24 and ACEEE’s Behaviour and Human Dimensions of Energy Efficiency program helped the Sustainability Director of CHS to co-create a highly collaborative behaviour change field trial.
Meat of the Matter
A Municipal Guide to Climate-Friendly Food Purchasing

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
11:00am - 12:30pm PST / 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST

Cities and counties can fight climate change by offering less meat and more plant-based meals in their institutional food service operations. Municipalities that already made this change 
have experienced a triple win: promoting health, protecting the planet, and saving money.
This webinar will highlight recommendations fromThe Meat of the Matter: A Municipal Guide to Climate-Friendly Food Purchasing, a new resource developed by Friends of the Earth and the Responsible Purchasing Network.
Attendees will learn:
  • Compelling environmental, health, and financial benefits of transitioning institutional purchasing towards more plant-based foods;
  • How to develop a climate-friendly food procurement policy and standards; and
  • How to design an implementation plan, conduct staff training, update bid solicitation language, and track progress.
  • Chloe Waterman: Senior Food Campaigner, Friends of the Earth
  • Steve Cohen: Manager, Food Policy & Programs, City of Portland, OR
  • Sarah Church: Sustainability Project Manager, Alameda County, CA
  • Naomi Billups: Public Health Nutrition Manager, San Diego County, CA
  • Alicia Culver: Executive Director, Responsible Purchasing Network (moderator)
This webinar is designed for sustainability, procurement, health department, and food service staff.
Please share this invitation with your colleagues.

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