Tuesday, December 5, 2017
by Kim Villalva
O God, the nations have come into your inheritance;
    they have defiled your holy temple;
    they have laid Jerusalem in ruins...
How long, O Lord? Will you be angry forever?...

--Psalm 79: 1, 5
Waiting for hope is nothing new. From medicinal cures to freedom from tyranny, people have been waiting for centuries. 

The Psalmist knows the dark reality that faces Jerusalem and cries out to God with a question that we've probably all faced, "How long...?" Jerusalem is struggling to hold on against the attacks by the Babylonians; but Lord, hear their plea for freedom and retribution! 

This theme of waiting for deliverance persists throughout the Old Testament. God's people waited for many long years for the Promised Messiah.
One night, out of the darkness came a light to the shepherds-an angel gave them the wondrous news that their long-awaited Savior had been born that very day. Finally! 

I can imagine the shepherds' excitement afterwards as they processed all that they had seen and felt. Shock, overwhelming joy and gratitude would have filled these conversations. Finally. Finally.
Our family is having the same types of conversations as we finally buy a home of our own. 

Military moves and other unexpected life happenings always seemed to keep buying a home just out of our reach. We dreamt of the day when we'd finally be in our own home. 

Recently, and nothing short of a miracle, everything fell into place, and we are just now getting settled into our new home. The first time I rubbed my shoe on our new welcome mat's bristly surface, I looked down, still in amazement and gratitude that this long wait had finally come to an end. Just like that, a light had burst out of the darkness that had for so long trapped us in worn out brown boxes and change of address cards. No advanced detailed plans had designated November 2017 as the time that we'd take this step. It just happened. 

The shepherds had no idea what wondrous news awaited them that night when they set out to tend their flocks. It was just another cold night to sleep out with their sheep and to wait for morning. And to continue waiting for the birth of their Savior. 

Until it just happened.

How long must we wait for Christ's return? Timelines, detailed plans...oh, how we want to know how much longer we have to endure the hardships of this world.

Some beautiful day, the darkness will be pierced one final time by a brilliant light that will reveal the glory of eternity that we have promised us in our Lord Jesus Christ. 

Before we know it, it WILL happen and we will be standing on the welcome mats of Heaven. All of our "how long...?" questions from this world will be a distant memory as we rejoice in our new Home.
Father God, remind us that while our plans may falter, your timing is always perfect. Grant us patience while we wait and wade through the difficult seasons of our lives. Amen.
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