As we turn toward Thanksgiving and the Christmas season, there is always a noticeable change in the air. TV shows are more likely to focus on the good; those stories which tell us everything has a happy ending, if we only believe. As a culture, we love this stuff and can't get enough of the joys of the season. We run toward good news and miraculous outcomes.

At Morning Star, we don't have Hollywood screen writers to write our stories. And, our stories can't wrap up in a precise, two-hour window. Yet, we reach out to those whose situations appear hopeless, because we still believe in miracles.

Miracles like the one for Laura and Robert, a young couple determined to have an abortion, because Laura could not face telling her mother that she was going to have a baby. We saw the couple four times. The first ultrasound showed just the beginnings of a pregnancy. Each time they returned they saw the baby developing more and more, but each time they left they still remained determined to have an abortion.

At their last visit, Laura and Robert saw their baby at 8 weeks who was "shimmying" about, as the sonographer described, but when they left we still knew that a miracle was required for them to change their minds. Just last week we found that Laura has begun her prenatal care and will be coming in for her Layette gift and follow-up very soon.

We believe in a God who takes broken people and broken circumstances, rolls up His sleeves and says, "I'm not finished here." He is a God who allows ordinary people to work in the lives of the hurting and provide help and hope. 

One of those ordinary-extraordinary people is our long-time Director of Donor Relations Diane Myers. Diane, as many already know, has retired after 12 years of service to Morning Star and more than 25 years of pro-life service in and around the Harrisburg area. She will continue to be a pro-life warrior in our community and we look forward to seeing how God will use her skills and talents. God bless her for her dedication to the women, children, and families of Morning Star and beyond.

As Morning Star continues to be part of God's miracles, we wanted to inform you of an addition to our team, effective immediately. Tom Pyne, a long-time supporter of Morning Star and 35-year veteran staff member of the State House of Representatives, is joining us as Director of Development.

Tom is married to veteran Morning Star volunteer, Laura. They have five adult children and five grandchildren. Both have been involved in pro-life activities for more than 40 years at the church, college, community and even state level. In fact, they met in college through the "Villanovans for Life".

You may have already met Tom, or even seen him taking pictures at one of our banquets or at our Walks for Life. He's excited about this new challenge and opportunity.

We are those ordinary people serving an extraordinary God. With every gift, you invest in miracles. You too, believe in what God can do.
You need to know, far more often than you might imagine,
these miracles take place.

Thank you for believing with us that God is still in the miracle-producing business. Our stories may not make it on Hallmark, but they are very real. We appreciate you for helping make each one possible.

Together in faith, we witness life's miracles!
Linda Plummer, Executive Director
Morning Star Pregnancy Services
(717) 901-3377 |