Greetings from the Center for Irish Music!

Thank you for showing your support for the CIM on Give to the Max Day!  Thanks to you, we surpassed our goal, raising $15,900 for our Annual Fund - critical funds that enable CIM to offer financial aid to students and support talented teaching artists through year-round traditional Irish music programming.

With a thriving ensemble program and a first-ever trip to the All-Ireland Fleadh, 2016-17 was a transformational year for the Center for Irish Music. Click on the photo to the left to find out what your support made possible in 2016-17.

This month, there are many opportunities support our student musicians, from tomorrow's Advanced Youth Ensemble Holiday Concert at the Celtic Junction Arts Center, Katie McMahon's Celtic Christmas show at the O'Shaughnessy or at our annual recitals and Underground Music Cafe Celtic Music showcase.

I wish you all the best this wintry season.  Be sure to pick up some CIM merch for your stockings and don't forget to sign up for the recitals coming soon!!   

Norah Rendell
CIM Executive Artistic Director

Current students, please note that CIM is closed for  the holidays from December 22 - January 6.  There are still 
2 more weeks of Fall term in the new year.  Spring term registration will be open very soon!
recitalsFall Recitals and Adult Student Open Mic
Banjoes at recital
We hope you will join us for our student recitals!  Invite friends and families and enjoy the tunes and songs our students have learned this term. 

  • 7pm - 9pm - Adult Student Open Mic with emcee Todd Menton - Adult students: there are still a few spots available, so click here to sign up if you want to perform!
  • 1:00pm - Youth Recital 1 - students under 12 who are taking private lessons; Irish Gaelic Singers
  • 2:30pm - Youth Recital 2 - students in Blackbird & Swallowtail ensembles including solos & ensemble numbers; solo numbers for students age 12-13 (unless they are in the Starling ensemble).
  • 4:00pm - Youth Recital 3 - students in the Starling Ensemble including solos & ensemble numbers; solos for students age 14 and older.
There will be a potluck following the recitals and open mic, so please bring a treat to shareCIM will provide the beverages!

A complete list of student performances is on the GIGS & EVENTS page of our community blog.

Celtic Music Showcase
featuring CIM's Young Adult Ensemble

December 14th, 7:00-9:00 pm

Join the Center for Irish Music at the Underground Music Cafe's December Celtic Music Showcase, hosted the 2nd Thursday of each month by Paul Garding .  

The first half of the evening will feature performances by the Swallowtail and Starling ensembles before the Young Adult Ensemble takes the stage for the second half. 

The Young Adult Ensemble, directed by Norah Rendell, was created in September of 2014 specifically for a collaborative project with East Metro Symphony Orchestra. Its members have been dedicated students at the CIM for many years, and have become passionate musicians in their own right, each one devoted to the music and the community that surrounds it. On Thursday night, they'll be playing a lovely mix of tunes and songs on fiddle, flute, harp, and uilleann pipes.  The Underground Music Cafe is at 1579 Hamline Ave, Falcon Heights.

2016-17 Annual Report Now Online

We're pleased to announce that our 2016-17 Annual Report is now available online!

Learn what the Center for Irish Music has been up to in this easy-to-share PDF, with photos, stories, and more about our 2016-17 fiscal year. Brew a cup of tea, sit back, and enjoy. 

A limited number of printed copies are available at the Center for Irish Music. Please contact us at to request a copy. 
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Gaela Logo - True Black large

The Center for Irish Music and emcee Máirtín de Cógáin invite you to   dress up in your finest, bring your friends and join us for Éigse CIM, A Gaela Event. 

Éigse [eg-shuh] is an Irish word used for festivals celebrating traditional Irish arts and culture. It is in this spirit that we gather for an evening to raise funds for The Center for Irish Music and the mission of handing down traditional Irish music.

This semi-formal evening event includes two ticket options for attendees: come early to share a meal, or join us later in the evening for the silent auction and concert featuring the stellar traditional Irish music of the  CIM Instructors  who boast recording, award winning, and world touring artists among their number.


Seeking Silent Auction Donations


If you have questions, please contact Eileen Degnan, Silent Auction Chair.

KatieMcMahonCIM's Advanced Youth Ensemble 
at  Katie McMahon's Celtic Christmas Concert
Friday, December 22nd at 7:30 pm

Our Advanced Youth Ensemble will join original Riverdance soprano vocalist, Katie McMahon for her 10th anniversary Celtic Christmas show at the O'Shaughnessy Theater.  This festive concert on will celebrate the season with traditional songs, stories, and Irish dance.  Tickets are available here . Use coupon code "celtic5" for $5 off adult tickets!

LogowearOrder Your CIM Gear for the Holidays

Show your school spirit by ordering Center for Irish Music logowear, now available for the holidays! 

We are excited to offer some great items as part of our fall logowear merchandise sale. Sample items will be displayed in the CIM lobby December 4th-7th.

If you would like to receive your item(s) before the holidays, those orders and payment need to be received by the end of the day on Thursday, December 7th. Orders will be available for pick-up December 21st and 22nd. 

Upcoming Dates, Concerts & Events

PLEASE NOTE: CIM is closed for the holidays from December 22 - January 6, however there are still 2 more weeks of Fall term in the new year.  

December 15th is the deadline for financial applications for spring term, starting January 29th.
Traditional Irish music concerts and events featuring CIM students and instructors are now listed on the "Gigs & Events" listing on our blog.

Be sure to get tickets for the Christmas Celtic Hooley at the Celtic Junction Arts Center at 7pm on December 15, 16 (7pm) and 17 (3pm & 7pm shows) featuring CIM instructors Todd Menton, Norah Rendell and Cormac O'Shea, O'Shea Irish Dancers, and actors Joshua Wills and Natalie O'Shea !  This show will also be at the Chanhassen dinner theatre on December 22 & 23.
T he CIM blog's "Gigs & Events" calendar is not an exhaustive listing of all events withi n the Twin Cities Irish community. For more listings, please visit the IMDA Event Calendar, and the Celtic Junction Arts Center concerts.
The Center for Irish Music is a 501c3 nonprofit, and we depend on donations to continue passing along the tradition of Irish music and song. Please consider making a gift to CIM today! 

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This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a Minnesota State Arts Board Operating Support grant, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the 
arts and cultural 
heritage fund.