Weekly News & Events
November 30th, 2017
Spotlight on: Siblings
NAMI is about family, and we are inclusive of all members. A member that often gets overlooked is that of sibling. Shannon Jaccard, who has previously served as a NAMI California board member and NAMI San Diego CEO, was recently featured on The Mighty for her blog detailing her relationship with her brother who has schizophrenia.
11,000+ Signatures Sent to Netflix
Thanks to YOU, we exceeded our goal and received more than 11,362 unique petition signatures. Our Health California delivered the petition and signatures to Netflix CEO Reed Hastings, Chief Marketing Officer Kelly Bennett, and Chief Communications Officer Jonathan Friedland last week in hopes that our voices will be heard and life saving suicide crisis information will be displayed for every future episode of 13 Reasons Why .
Tonight: NAMI California Advocacy Network Webinar!
NAMI California has resumed the monthly NAMI California Advocacy Network (CAN!) meetings. For this month’s webinar, we will cover information on what's next in terms of advocacy. We also would like to hear from our affiliates and community members about local issues and updates. These meetings are meant to provide affiliates with updates about NAMI California’s legislative positions and activities as well as promote discussion among affiliates about legislation and local advocacy issues. 
We hope you join us tonight, November 30th, 2017, from 5 - 6pm and look forward to hearing from everyone!
Make Your Voice Heard!
Take a few minutes to tell us your top three legislative priorities! The deadline for the NAMI California Advocacy Survey is tomorrow, December 1st, and we want to hear from you!
Looking for Trainings & News for Affiliates?
We're refining our weekly newsletters so that you get the content that matters to you most. If you are a member who still wishes to receive NAMI training info and other events exclusively for our affiliates, simply reply to this email that you wish to be added to the affiliate newsletter list. In the meantime, check out our tentative training schedule.

Thank you for your #GivingTuesday support!
Thank you to all who made #GivingTuesday a success! We are grateful everyday for your support and the work each and every one of you do at home, in your communities, and beyond!
LAST DAY to save on Super Early Bird Registration!
The 2018 NAMI California Annual Conference will take place June 1 - 2 at the Hyatt Regency Monterey Hotel & Spa on Del Monte Golf Course in Monterey, California. Register TODAY, November 30, the last day to take advantage of special pricing!
Keep us in the loop!
We welcome your submissions for the NAMI California monthly and weekly newsletters! We would like to recognize our affiliates, NAMI members, calls-to-action, and special events across the state that highlight the best of what's happening in California mental health advocacy. Please keep the length of your submission to 250 words or less, and include a contact name, email and phone number in case we need to reach you for more information. We love photos, so please send a picture if you have one! We regret that we cannot publish all submissions, and we reserve the right to edit all content.  
Email your submissions to NAMI California Communications Coordinator Shireen Dada Whitaker at Shireen@namica.org . Thank you, and we look forward to hearing from you!
Send Program Inquiries To:

NAMI California Office: (916) 567-0163  
Is the content of this email relevant to you?
What can we do better?
If you have something you'd like to see in the newsletter or want to send us a compliment, send us an email at  nami.california@namica.org

Have a comment, question or concern for the Board? Send us an email at asktheboard@namica.org

NAMI California | namica.org