#NoSeniorHungry #MealsOnWheels
We've set a place for you at our table
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Celebrating a Retirement
This month we celebrate Ginger Rinaldi and her many years contributing to the Dining Center at Mt.Carmel in Worcester! For 27 years, Ginger has been dedicated to serving the seniors of Mt.Carmel church through the Nutrition Program with her contagious energy, compassion and loyalty. She will be remembered as devoted, kind hearted, and always willing to serve those in need.

Rainbow Lunch and Supper Clubs to
Host Local Talent
October 2017 Menu
H oliday: Monday October 9th, meals will not be delivered or served.

Malnutrition May Be Hiding in Plain Sight
There are many misperceptions about malnutrition. For example, the idea that someone who is overweight can’t possibly be malnourished. Or that those living in countries like the U.S. have enough food to avoid this condition.

But the truth is, malnutrition is far more common than you might think . It can happen to people of any weight and to those in both developed and developing countries. And it occurs in various settings – some of which may never even have occurred to you.

Special Lunches
Reservations are required. 

R a i n b o w Supper and Lunch Clubs

Baked Potato Bar
Worcester Senior Center
Tuesday October 31st
RSVP one week ahead 508-799-8070

Pasta Bar
Leicester Senior Center
Thursday October 12th
RSVP one week ahead 508- 892-7016

Tuesdays & Thursdays
Kosher Meals
Bet Shalom Apartments 
RSVP 2 days in advance
508-756-7109 ext. 232
Elder-Care Q&A October 2017
Lung Health
Q:What are the major lung conditions elders should know about?

A: Diseases of the lung are almost as common as breathing air. Lung problems that are common among older people include: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, lung cancer, and asthma.
The Centers for Disease Control estimates that 18.4 million American adults currently have asthma. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the U.S. and the second most common cancer among both men and women. Almost 15.7 million people have been diagnosed with...

We've set a place for you at our table
Bring your Ideas to the Table
Do you have a favorite meal? Have a question about a meal's nutritional content? Interested in having us serve something different? 

We want to hear from you!

The Nutrition program invites you to bring us your comments, questions and suggestions. You may call us between the hours of 8:00am-4:00pm at 508-852-3205 or you may email the nutrition staff anytime at nutrition@eswa.org

The Nutrition Project is administered by Elder Services of Worcester Area, Inc. and receives federal
financial support under the Older Americans Act provided by the Central Massachusetts Agency on Aging and the Massachusetts Executive Office of Elder Affairs. Funders also include United Way of Central Massachusetts, Greater Worcester Community Foundation, local Councils on Aging, participant donations, grants and individual support.
www.800ageinfo.com   1-800-AGE-INFO