We release What's on the MOVES on the first and third Friday of the month. Our goal is to share information about upcoming events, agency news and relevant announcements with the DC MOVES mailing list. If you have information to share through this bulletin, please contact the DC MOVES Coordinator  Carol Good.

A Warm Welcome to the incoming
DC MOVES Coordinator
On December 4, 2017, Elaine Capes will be starting as the incoming DC MOVES Coordinator. Elaine brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to the Dufferin community to this evolving position. I am pleased to say that we will work together in December to ensure that DC MOVES is ready for 2018. We  will produce the  December 15 issue of What's on the MOVES as a joint effort.

I want to take this opportunity to thank the many contributors and readers. You have helped build this bulletin into a vibrant and relevant support to the DC MOVES Vision - To develop a unified human service presence, where both agencies and residents of Dufferin County are aware of local programs and services, and have greater capacity to effectively access them.
Please keep up the great work. 

Poverty Reduction
National Housing Strategy
Last week, the federal government released its long-awaited National Housing Strategy. The Strategy outlines $40 billion in investments for the creation of new housing, housing repairs and renewal, and measures to preserve and maintain affordability for existing social housing stock.

Read OMSSA's summary of the National Housing Strategy for key highlights for the human services sector. 
Source: OMSSA Newsletter - November 30, 2017

Community Wellbeing
Two New Program for Seniors
Caledon Meals on Wheels is very excited to announce two new programs; "Let's Exercise" and "Let's Do Lunch". Both of these programs will be offered in Caledon and Orangeville and will allow seniors an opportunity to exercise or share lunch with a CMOW opportunity to maintain those important social connections! .

Seeking Membership Coordinator
The Dufferin Board of Trade is currently seeking a part-time Membership Coordinator.  This person will support and grow our membership, connect with business leaders and partner organizations throughout Dufferin, and help strengthen our local business community. This is a great opportunity for the right candidate who is passionate about our community, and looking to work 15-20 hours per week, with a base salary plus commission.
If you know of someone who has the talent and drive we need, and who might be interested in joining our dynamic small team here at the DBOT office, please forward them the job description, here. The deadline to apply is December 19th.

Designing Healthy Living - Canada 2017
Dr. Theresa Tam, Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, has released the Report on the State of Public Health in Canada 2017 - Designing Healthy Living. She examines the connection between where we live and our health. She explains how our built environment can impact our health by providing opportunities for us to make healthy or unhealthy choices in our everyday lives-choices that can have major and long-lasting impacts on our health. Our built environment is the physical environment around us: where we live, work, study and play. It includes buildings, roads, public transit systems, parks and other types of community infrastructure. Link to the full report: here
Source: Municipal World

Resource Sharing
Nominate a Caring Volunteer

Do you know a friend, a co-worker or a member of your community who inspires you and who should be recognized?
The Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers, (administered by the Chancellery of Honours, part of the Office of the Secretary to the Governor General), honours the exceptional volunteer achievements of Canadians from across the country in a wide range of fields.
Why not nominate someone today? Anyone can do it, and there is no deadline for submissions. Find details and nomination form here