Together, we raised more than $36,000 on #GivingTuesday!
But that $36,000 is more than just a number or a goal.  To the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Indiana that means families like the Pittman-Millers know they have a place to come home to after a long day of treatments for baby sister, Alayna. 

A place where they can play, laugh, eat and -- most importantly -- face the weight of their child's illness together .

Kim Miller and granddaughter, Ava, snuggle at the House at Riley.

You were the most important part of making that happen. 

Whether you hosted your own fundraising page, made a donation online, called in to one of our radio fundraising flashes or simply just helped share our message -- every little bit helped.


Thank you for giving the gift of togetherness to Ronald McDonald House families this #GivingTuesday and for all that you do year-round to keep our families near each other and the care they need. 


We couldn't do it without you.

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