A Reconciling in Christ synod
Better Together: Thanks to You!
Dear Brothers
and Sisters in Christ
This has been a remarkable year in our life as the Rocky Mountain Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The 500
anniversary of the Reformation has provided us with a unique opportunity to explore our place within the larger Body of Christ and to ask why our particular witness to the gospel matters. Your active participation in our shared ministry and your generous financial support
of our life
together is making an impact near and far.
Thanks be to God for you.
In the links below, read about the remarkable ways that we are in mission together, thanks to you. Because
together, we proclaim and embody Christ’s unconditional love for the sake of the world!
Yours in Faith,
Jim Gonia, Bishop
Earline Bohling, Vice President
A PDF document (
) is designed to be printed and folded as a tri-fold brochure, or you can
share this letter as a
webpage link
Church Together: Experiencing Border Life
On November 2, weeks of planning resulted in twenty members of the Rocky Mountain Synod Council and members of the Synod Staff driving from Denver to El Paso in 2 church vans. The journey brought them to the Border for their fall business meeting. The vans took time to make stops along the way at several of our synod congregations. We were greeted with warm hospitality, snacks, hugs and restrooms! This was a great way to connect with members across the state lines from Colorado to New Mexico to Texas. We were welcomed at King of Kings in Pueblo, CO, St. Timothy’s in Albuquerque, NM, Desert Springs in Truth or Consequences, NM, and finally at Cristo Rey in El Paso. Valley Lutheran of Los Lunas, NM and Zion of Trinidad, CO gave hospitality on the way home.
eConnection Spotlight:
RMS in the Neighborhood
Living for our Neighbors
As someone who was raised outside of the Lutheran Church, I've been amazed by the impact that Lutheran communities have had in my young adult life.From attending Luther College, to participating in a service year with Urban Servant Corps, to...
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ELCA Churchwide Council Meeting
The Church Council of the ELCA met at The Lutheran Center in Chicago, Nov. 9-12. The council, which serves as the ELCA's board of directors, focused on the goals of ELCA Future Directions 2025 and the church's priorities around congregational vitality and leadership.
The council adopted a revised social message on human rights. The social message was written, in part, as a response to the 2016 Churchwide Assembly adoption of a social policy resolution calling for an investment screen related to human rights. The social message would support and inform such a social criteria investment screen. It would also articulate in one place the themes and commitments from the disparate sources in which the ELCA has affirmed or mentioned human rights.
Other topics included:
- Adopted "Vision, Process and Practice of ELCA Campus Ministry: Guidelines and Recommendations."
- Approved revisions to the Environment Social Criteria Investment Screen.
- Approved the report of the Audit Committee.
- Elected members of the boards of separately incorporated ministries, seminaries and other organizations and approved appointments to the Audit Committee and the Justice for Women Consulting Committee.
- Allocated additional members to the ELCA 2019 Churchwide Assembly.
- Approved the Asset Transfer Agreement for the reunion of Capital University and Trinity Lutheran Seminary and revised bylaws of Capital University.
- Commended The Lutheran World Federation Gender Justice Policy to the ELCA for study and consideration.
Stewardship for All Seasons
As budgets are created for next year, and as financial pledges are received, consider utilizing the resources of Stewardship for All Seasons in 2018. This intentional and disciplined approach to financial stewardship helps to create a community of generosity and energy around participating in God's work through your congregation. The cost is $2,900 plus printing and a graphic artist. Generous scholarships are available to congregations with operating budgets $300,000 and less. Contact
Janice Kibler if you would like to be connected to a congregation currently participating in Stewardship for All Seasons, or to find out more. In January we will report the increase in people and finances in congregations participating this current year, and the early reports are very promising.
Connections - December 2017
The December issue of the RMS quarterly newsletter,
Connections, is now available for download,
here, or from our
synod website.
A Prayer for World AIDS/HIV Day, Friday, December 1
God of all compassion, Comfort your family members who live with HIV. Spread over us all your quilt of mercy, love and peace. Open our eyes to your presence reflected in their faces. Open our ears to your truth echoing in their hearts. Give us the strength to weep with the grieving, to walk with the lonely, to stand with the depressed. May our love mirror your love for those who live in fear, who live under stress and who suffer rejection. Comforting, healing God grant rest to those who have died and hope to all who live with HIV. God of life, help us to find the cure now and help us to build a world in which no one dies alone and where everyone lives accepted, wanted and loved. Amen.
RMS Prayer Cycle
December 2107 - UTAH CONFERENCE
Week of December 3
- Ogden, UT
Rick Brenton
Ascension St. Matthew’s
- Price, UT
Jim Locke
Parreiras, Antônio, 1888
Join us in daily prayer:
ELCA Prayer Ventures
for daily guides to prayer for the global, social and outreach ministries of the ELCA, as well as for the needs and circumstances of our neighbors, communities and world.
Sunday, December 3
First Sunday of Advent
Prayer of the Day
Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. By your merciful protection waken us to the threatening dangers of our sins, and keep us blameless until the coming of your new day, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever.
Global Church Prayer
God, who will come again in the clouds, keep us alert to the signs of your coming. Give us the strength we need to fulfill the work you have planned for us. Keep all who work for justice in your world firm in their convictions, through your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.
Ken Caryl Concerts presents "Christmas Classics"
Sunday, December 3, 2017 - 2:30 p.m.
Join us for a collection of sacred and secular holiday favorites performed by the St. Philip choir, Ringing Brass, Bluegrass Group and various soloists and small ensembles. Festive refreshments will be served following the performance and there may even be a special guest appearance from the North Pole. This event is free of charge and family friendly. A goodwill offering will be collected to support the concert series and related funds at St. Philip. More information
Refugee Film Fest & Stories - Colorado Springs
The Colorado College Refugee Alliance, Lutheran Family Services Rocky Mountains, and Films for Social Justice are proud to present a film festival focused on the ongoing global refugee crisis. Open to the community, we are screening several...
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December Music at Saint Paul Lutheran Church
Midwinter Songs
Columbine Chorale
Sunday, December 3 @ 4:00 p.m. - $5 to $15
Imagine opening your presents early this year! The chorale will present a variety of songs with a few surprises! Come! Begin your holiday season with us! Get your tickets
Fire and Ice: Christmas
Ars Nova
Sunday, December 10 @ 4:00 p.m. - $20
Ars Nova ignites the dark of winter with the sounds of the classical guitar and the passionate words of Spanish poet Federico Garcia Lorca. Special guest: Nicolo Spera, guitar. We'll celebrate the season with uplifting carols presented with unique Ars Nova flair. Tickets are available
Winter Wonders
Rocky Mountain Ringers
Friday, December 15 @ 7:30 p.m. - $15 to $25
With special guest: Safonia. Get tickets
A Winter's Night: Christmas with St. Martin's
St. Martin's Chamber Choir
Sunday, December 17 @ 3:00 p.m. - $15 to $45
Featuring Benjamin Britten's a cappella Christmas cantata
"A Boy was Born," and
"A Winter’s Night," by Cecilia McDowall. A rich work rich with familiar carol tunes, including opportunities for audience participation. Tickets are available
Lessons and Carols in Boulder with Bishop Gonia
unday, December 10, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Old Time Radio Players perform
"Miracle on 34th Street"
Sunday, December 17th, 2017 at 2:00 p.m.
Do you ever wonder how folks entertained themselves before television? Come and join us at Advent Lutheran Church for the Radio Players performance of "
Miracle on 34th Street
Here is a flyer to share!
Rebuilding When Your Relationship Ends Seminar
Thursday, January 11, 2018 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
ebuilding When Your Relationship Ends Seminar meets from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. each Thursday for 10 weeks, and offers education, support and optional social activities for individuals experiencing a divorce or the loss of a love relationship. Complimentary childcare is available. For more information please contact Beth Walker at 720-352-9915 or
, or visit her website at
Prepare Enrich Training
Tuesday, January 16, 2018, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or
Friday, February 9, 2018, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
This workshop, held at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cherry Hills Village, is designed to teach facilitators to utilize this tool to assist both premarital and married couples in understanding and improving their relationship. For more information or to register, please contact Beth Walker by
email, or 720-352-9915, or go to
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
January 18-25, 2018
The 2018 theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is
"Your Right Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power,"
(Exodus 15:6). The 2018 resources have been written by the Churches of the Caribbean, including the Catholic Archbishop of the Antilles and the Caribbean Council of Churches.
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity gives Christians an annual opportunity to continue their quest for the unity they already share in Christ. It is also a time to gather in praise of the Triune God and to deepen the understanding of the ecumenical movement. By joining in this annual celebration Christians raise their voices, hands and hearts to God seeking the fulfillment of the prayer of Jesus, the Son of God, “that they all may be one.”
More information is available
, and
Is this a Baldwin Piano for You?!
This is a Baldwin upright built in the 1900's - not sure of the exact date. It has been totally rebuilt inside and plays beautifully. It was also refinished outside. It is available to anyone who may want it. The only request is that whoever gets the piano pays for the moving of it. If you're interested, contact Barb Janzen at
bjjannez@yahoo.com or 303-347-2672.
Resource Corner
check back each week for a new or featured resource for your congregation
RMSWO November Newsletter the
Views from the Rockies
Tell your friends to subscribe to eConnection!
We hope you find eConnection informative, thought-provoking, and uplifting. Let others in your congregations know how easy it is to get their own subscription! Visit our RMS website and go to Synod, then Communications to find the "
Sign up now!" link. Or just sent them this
All Non-Rostered Positions
Bookkeeper (part-time)
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO
Office Coordinator
Christ Lutheran Church - Highlands Ranch, CO
Facilities Manager (part-time)
Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
Contemporary Worship Coordinator
Faith Lutheran Church - Golden, CO
Minister of Music
Epiphany Lutheran Church - Denver, CO
Administrative Assistant (full-time)
Joy Lutheran Church - Parker, CO
Church Administrator (part-time)
Lord of the Mountains Lutheran Church - Dillon, CO
Music and Worship Director
Spirit of Joy Lutheran Church - Fort Collins, CO
Director of Youth and Family Ministries (part-time)
Holy Cross Lutheran Church - Wheat Ridge, CO
Office of the Bishop This Week
Bishop Gonia
- Staff Development Retreat
- Trinity, Las Cruces, NM
- New Mexico Conference of Churches Retreat
Pastor Kent Mueller (1/2 time)
- Staff Development Retreat
- Lutheran Center Administration
- In-Office appointments
Ruth Hoffman, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM
- Staff development retreat
- 1st Presbyterian Church, Santa Fe, NM
- NM Conference of Churches Judicatory Leaders meeting
Peter Severson, Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-CO
- Staff Development Retreat
- Holden Village Retreat, Washington
Pastor Judith VanOsdol
Deacon Erin Power
- Staff Development Retreat
- RMS Communications Planning
- Assembly Planning
Pastor Sarah Moening
- Staff Development Retreat
- St. Luke's, Albuquerque, NM
- Peace, Sterling, CO
Pastor Leslie Welton
- Staff Development Retreat
- Campus Ministry
- In-office appointments
Rocky Mountain Synod
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Articles for eConnection are due noon Monday for the issue the following Wednesday.
Event announcements are included for about two weeks then copied to the
Events & News Web Page
and may be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.