VMRC Legislative Committee Members
Candace Bright-
CHAIR of this committee and representative for the
Coalition of Local Area Service Providers (CLASP) & VMRC Board
Tony Anderson- VMRC Executive Director
Robert Balderama- VMRC Board
Emily Grunder- VMRC Board
Pernell Gutierriez- VMRC Board
Dena Hernandez- SCDD North Valley Hills
Anthony Hill- VMRC Legal staff
Daime Hoornaert- CLASP member
Tracie Leong- VMRC Board
Claire Lazaro- VMRC Board
Lynda Mendoza- VMRC Board
Mohammad Rashid- VMRC Board
Angelique Shear- VMRC Special Projects staff
Ex-officio- Tom Bowe VMRC Board president
(Translation services available upon request!) Open to ALL! VMRC CEU’s will be available to administrators Come meet our VMRC Legislative Committee members AND learn about the bills and new laws that may have an impact on People with developmental disabilities, their families, Regional Centers and Service Providers!
Remember, since space is limited you must register to attend: