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portunities at
The FLEX Alumni Website)
Call for Applications- The Professional Fellows Program (PFP)
The application for the spring 2018 program is open through November 13, 2017. FLEX alumni from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine are encouraged to apply for a one month, fully-funded fellowship program in the U.S. in spring of 2018. Do not miss this opportunity, and find all the details
Minnesota's ready for #Expo2023, Are you?
Minnesota has been a second home to almost 750
#FLEXProgram students since 2003, was it your host state? Share your favorite memories using
#ExchangeOurWorld and
#Expo2023, to share with the world that #Minnesota is the place to be! The Expo 2023 is a campaign to bring the 2023 World Expo to Minnesota, and the state is asking current and past residents to the effort.
Nemanja Ostojic '12 from Montenegro: Combining Business and NGO Work
'The more I do, the better organized I am. When I returned from the U.S., I immediately became involved in the FLEX alumni community and now I can't imagine my life without these projects and the FLEX community,' says former FLEX Alumni Coordinator from Montenegro, Nemanja Ostojic '12. Together with other FLEX alumni he conducts various projects dedicated to youth employment, human rights, gender empowerment, and leadership. Our October 2017 alumni highlight features Nemanja, check out the full story
Meet The Coordinators
Have you ever wondered who represent the FLEX Alumni community from your country to the world?
FLEX Talking Club in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
"The best thing about leading the Talking Club is seeing how people are breaking through their personal barrier walls. Some of our participants weren't speaking at all in our first lessons, but then they eventually started to express their feelings and share their thoughts more openly." says Akmaral Akimbaieva'17 as she talks about the launch and progress of FLEX talking club in Bishkek.
Check out the full story on
Bradley Herald.
Cycle Four of the FLEX Alumni Mentoring Program in Russia Begins
The FLEX Alumni Mentoring program in Russia is a six-month-long mentoring program aimed to connect senior and junior FLEX alumni for a unique professional development opportunity and to offer networking events for the wider FLEX Alumni community in Russia. For the next six months, mentees and mentors are committed to participating in monthly in-person or virtual meetings, and online educational courses. Learn more about the mentors and mentees, and who is participating this year via
this link.
FLEX Alumni Create Leadership and English Clubs in Armenia
Ten recently-returned FLEX Alumni created theme-driven clubs in four regions in Armenia. Each of the clubs emphasizes leadership skills and English language
proficiency. Read how FLEX alumni are introducing interactive games, workshops, language and leadership training to over 100 students. Through these projects, alumni created stronger connections between the youth in their towns, and inspired their peers to share and spread values, dear to the FLEX program. The full story can be accessed via
this link.
Personal Development Summer Academy for Youth 2017 in Western Kazakhstan
"About a year ago, when I started my freshmen year at university, I caught myself involved in so many activities and clubs on top of schoolwork. I was all over the place during my first semester and realized that I needed to answer one question: What is it that I want to spend my time on apart from studies?" says Amina Kosbayeva '15 as she reflects back and talks about the inspiration behind the Personal Development Summer Academy for Youth. Read the full story
A Trip Down Memory Lane
The FREEDOM Support Act (FSA), the U.S. Congressional act that opened funding for the FLEX program, is turning 25 this year! Stay tuned as festivities take place around the world to celebrate FSA and FLEX! Share your favorite moments from your FLEX year and alumni life by sending us pictures with a description and date to