La Nina sees generally cooler waters in the equatorial region but warm waters around Indonesia. Picture: Bureau of Meteorology
After months of speculation, the Bureau of Meteorology has confirmed that Australia will see a La Nina weather pattern this summer.
But … rather than the usual associated wet weather, there’s little likelihood of widespread above-average summer rainfall and an increased chance of prolonged heat for southeastern Australia. That makes water usage a big issue, so don’t miss the feature on irrigating olives with limited water supplies in the December edition of Olivegrower & Processor. Not a subscriber? You can do so
NSW tastes global olive oil success
NSW DPI olive oil analysis team members Kerrie Graham, Tracey Kingham, Donna Seberry, Belinda Taylor, Chris Wallace and Anna Fang.
The NSW DPI olive oil testing team has been rated one of the world’s best after almost two decades of accreditation by the International Olive Council (IOC). The Wagga Wagga facility has been awarded international accreditation in laboratory analysis for 18 consecutive years and for the last 12 years in the sensory classification of olive oil, and is also accredited by the American Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) for both types of analysis. AOCS has further recognised the team with awards for chemical and sensory analysis.
Laboratory services co-ordinator Belinda Taylor said the achievement is a credit to the hard work and diligence of the team in ensuring the laboratory and sensory panel maintain a high level of skill and accuracy.
“It's a win for NSW DPI, the olive oil industry and consumers and it helps support the local industry in a global context,” she said.
The sensory panel is always looking for new members and any interested volunteers should contact NSW DPI via or (02) 6938 1999.
AOA Christmas office closure
The AOA office will be closed from Monday, 18 December 2017 through to Friday, 12 January 2018 inclusive for the holiday break. So if you’ve got a query, want to buy some decals or neck tags, or need to pay your membership, please do it in the next week.
You can contact the office via or ph: (08) 8573 6545.
Velvet and Don Heater have won a stack of awards for their oil, including most recently "Champion EVOO - Mild Class 1" at the 2017 Australian International Olive Awards. Picture: Andy Rogers
The Heaters were intent on taking it easy when they moved to a 10-hectare property at Curlewis, on the Bellarine Peninsula, in 2004 … The couple planted a small olive grove when they relocated “just to give Don something to keep himself occupied”, Velvet says.
More great press for Australian EVOO, and AIOA winners!
Enjoying your weekly
Friday Olive Extracts
We hope you’re all enjoying your weekly edition of
Friday Olive Extracts
bringing all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox in an even more timely manner. THE place to share olive industry news and last-minute event reminders, the 2017 weekly format has been another great step forward for our increasingly popular industry e-newsletter, and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them, you can sign up
Hooked on olives: Ian and Kayelene Anderson with some of their products at the Slow Food Earth Market in The Levee.
Ask Ian Anderson about olives and he will tell you it’s an acquired taste - like red wine.
The olive producer didn’t eat olives, or like them, when he bought a property near Mount Vincent with his wife Kayelene.
Qld: Export help
Trade and Investment Queensland is offering mentoring, networking and skills development assistance for export-ready business. Funding is ongoing. More information
Vic: Food/fibre processing assistance
The Future Industries Manufacturing Program offers funding of up to $500,000 to companies to implement new manufacturing technologies and processes in their Victorian operations. Funding is ongoing. More information
Exhibitor bookings are now open for Fine Food New Zealand, being held from 24-26 June 2018 at the ASB Showgrounds, Auckland. The food retail, food service and hospitality trade show is an opportunity to showcase and demonstrate products and services to industry influencers, trade buyers and key decision-makers. The event also includes a series of educational and informative seminars to attract, engage and educate trade visitors. More information
Coconut oil isn’t new to the world by any means, but over the past decade or so, it’s certainly become a major health trend. Folks are using it for practically everything, from mouthwash (in the form of oil pulling) to skin moisturizer, to you know, as a cooking oil.
A reasoned look at the facts about coconut oil – and we love the advice “don’t buy into the fad that coconut oil is a miracle food”!
Sosyal!” program host Sam Oh remarked when told the dish that chef Kalel Chan had chosen to prepare that night was salmon confit. We were at Lemuria Gourmet Restaurant and Wine Bar in Quezon City, where the launch of the Doña Elena Olive Oil Chef Ambassador Series campaign was held.
A corporate promotion communicating great messages about cooking with olive oil.
5-Dec-2017 By Jim Cornall
Last week at the joint meeting of the ‘High Level Group on Nutrition and Physical Activity’ and the ‘EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health’ in Luxembourg, EDA secretary general Alexander Anton officially protested at what the EDA says are “nonsense” nutrition labels.
Labels which skew the comparative nutritional values of foods – we know that frustration.
The Independent Authority for Public Revenue is launching targeted inspections at olive oil production units in central and southern Greece after data pointed to income hiding and tax evasion in this sector.
05-Dec-2017 By Lester Wan
A China firm that allows consumers to check food labels via their smartphones to ensure that products are not fakes looks set to raise $11.5m to further champion its food safety drive.
A great idea – add a product quality guarantee and dedicated specialist market and you’ve got the Australian Authentic/China Project export initiative!
Using a law which dates back to 1931, officials in Lecce designated the area surrounding the TAP construction site a "red zone" and placed it under police control.
- World Extra Virgin Olive Oil Tasting Team Championship, Priego de Cordoba, Spain
19-23 March
– IRTA Olive Oil Evaluation Course - Barcelona, Spain
12 April
- registration closes for OLIVE JAPAN 2018 – Tokyo, Japan
8-9 June
- OLIVE JAPAN international trade show 2018 – Tokyo
24-26 June - Fine Food New Zealand – Auckland, NZ
18-19 October
- AOA National Olive Industry Conference & Exhibition 2018 - Wagga Wagga, NSW
To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
Friday Olive Extracts is Published by:
Olivegrower & Processor
September Issue
Australian and New Zealand
Olive Industry Directory