Can I Be Sued for Using My Gun?

If you use your gun in self-defense, can the bad guy sue you? Can a burglar sue you if you legally shoot them? What if you shoot an innocent bystander? This month's article explains what can legally happen if you use your gun.

Intruder Gets Shot—Sues Homeowner

It happens more often than you think. An innocent victim shoots his attacker and then finds himself being sued by the criminal. This story is an example of the costly nightmare one man endured by having simply defended his family.

Knowledge is Power!

How much do you think you know about gun laws and the justified use of force? Your U.S. Law Shield Independent Program Attorneys and other law professionals are educating gun owners about their rights. To find and register for a seminar or workshop near you, click here.

Share Before Time Runs Out!

It's not too late to share the peace-of-mind a U.S. Law Shield membership provides. More and more often, innocent people are finding themselves in situations involving self-defense. For a limited time, we have extended our campaign to reward you for your referrals. To start sharing now, click here.

Just Having a Gun is Not Enough!

Our friends at the National Shooting Sports Foundation have published this video of Clint Smith, President of Thunder Ranch Training Center, talking about how simply owning a gun for home security is not enough.