2015 will be a very busy year! PEACEwater plans to partner with 50 more churches this year. Many Rwandans will benefit from rainwater harvesting systems, Sawyer filters, and W.A.S.H. health and hygiene education programs. Shown above is PEACEwater's technology team finishing work at an Assemblies of God Church.
Everyone Can Help
Changed Communities
After the W.A.S.H. Health and Hygiene training several years ago, the Gacaca Pentecostal Church was motivated to build two latrines. Tippy Taps are installed outside the latrines for people to wash their hands. The Church models good sanitation and hygiene to the community in addition to sharing clean water in Jesus name. Read more...
PEACEwater is following up with churches to see how they have benefited from the programs. The stories are inspiring and we can't wait to share them with you. Each Newsletter will profile a different church.
Thank you Drive for Water
The funds raised from this year's golf tournament are providing water for many. Shown above is an underground tank that will soon store 8,800 gallons of precious rain water for the Pentecosal Church. Click here to see pictures of the tank at the Nazarene Church.
Thank you, Stephen and Kourtney Magliocco, for your
hard work and compassionate hearts!
Rwandans Praise God for Your Support
The Presbyterian Church is getting the baptismal pool ready. Thanks to the new rainwater harvesting system, the Church can now fill it and baptize all believers. The much needed water source is a blessing to the community and meets both spiritual and physical needs. Read more...
PEACEwater's life-saving programs are only possible because so many of you give generously.
January 2015
Water and
the Word
Singing Praises
in Nyamata
"God loves each of you. Everyone here today is important to God. Your lives have meaning and purpose because God has a role for each of you to play in His plan for the world.
I hope that you are inspired by [the Bible story about the boy who donated his lunch so Jesus could feed 5,000].
God can use anyone to do extraordinary things, even a boy from Nyamata can play and important part in His plan."