July 2016 - In This Issue:

With your help, we raised $12,615 from our So Much More Than Shelter campaign!! These funds will provide services like rapid rehousing, case management, and life skills classes to help homeless families learn the tools they need to get back into housing - and to stay there long term. 

It takes the support of our entire community to help make housing a reality for homeless families with children.Thank you for giving us the support to serve more families!  

Help us collect the following items so we can give each of our families a house  warming basket when they move out of shelter and into permanent housing! Check out our website for more information and drop-off location.

- Hand Soap
- Dish Soap
- Sponges
- Laundry Detergent
- Broom & Dust Pan
- Trash Can
- Trash Bags
- Household Cleaner
*must be new and unused
Upcoming Volunteer Orientations:
July 5
Thirteen Salmon Family Center

July 11
Goose Hollow Family Shelter

July 27
Goose Hollow Family Shelter

August 1
Thirteen Salmon Family Center

August 24
Goose Hollow Family Shelter

Visit our  website for more info. For questions or to RSVP, contact Bethany at 503.915.8307 or  bethany@pdxhfs.org .

Shelter Wish List:

- Bedding (twin sheets, blankets, and pillow cases)*
- Towels (bath, hand, and wash cloths)*
- Pillows*
- Baby Wipes*
- Toothbrushes*
- Hairbrushes*
- Aleve or Ibuprofen*
- Infant and Child Pain Reliever*
- Sunscreen & Aloe Vera*
- Diaper Rash Cream
- Contact Solution
- High Efficiency Laundry Detergent 
- Air Mattresses 
- Sanitizing Wipes
- BenGay muscle cream 
- Antacids
- Allergy Medicine (adult and child)
- Ace Bandages
- Anti Itch Cream
- Pain Relief Spray
- $10 gift cards to Fred Meyer, Target, and  Regal Cinema 
- Trimet Adult Day-Pass Booklets
*Highest Need Items!

Check out our full wish list!
Save the Date!

Friday, October 21
Montgomery Park Atrium

We got a van!

It's official! PHFS is now the owner of 12 passenger van!  The van will allow PHFS staff to:
  • Take families on field trips for education and enrichment activities, like the zoo
  • Transport families to their life skills classes, like the Incredible Years classes
  • Pick up in-kind donations of toiletries, bedding, clothing, toys
  • Help families move in and out of shelter with all of their belongings and clothes
Thank you to our supporters and donors for making this happen!  
Vote YES for affordable homes!
PHFS is a proud member of the Welcome Home Coalition, who has launched the first ballot measure campaign for affordable homes in Portland. On Thursday, June 30th, the Portland City Council voted unanimously to refer a ballot measure to voters to use GO Bonds to create new homes for thousands of Portlanders who need them most. Portlanders will vote on the measure on November 8th. From now until then, PHFS, along with the other 140 organizations of Welcome Home, will be organizing, door-knocking, and fundraising for this critical campaign to be enormously successful. Join us in the movement! Let us know that you want to become more involved or volunteer here at YES for Affordable Homes and follow along on Facebook! We know that it all starts with having a home, so lets make sure home is a place all Portland families can afford.
Volunteer Spotlight:
Krista Kontturi
How long have you been volunteering with PHFS?
I have been volunteering full time with PHFS for almost a month now. I found out about PHFS simply through google; I was doing research for my internship and I knew I wanted to volunteer in the USA (I am from Finland!). I will be volunteering with PHFS for my 400 hour requirement with the financial support from my government. I chose PHFS, because I wanted to work with homeless and lower-income clients, and if possible with families. I was happy to see that PHFS was perfect!

In what position/shift do you typically volunteer and has that changed or evolved over the years (and why)?
I volunteer in most of the shifts, but mainly in the over-night shift since it's the longest. Over-night shift also allows me to get to know the families in a personal level, I am there with them during daily chores such as helping with laundry, put kids to bed, and prepare breakfast. 

What's your favorite thing about volunteering with PHFS?
Since I have volunteered almost every day, I have gotten to know the families on a personal level. That is the most rewarding to me, getting to know them and their life through their perspective and be there to witness their everyday success. Finally try to be there for them during their rough patches is also very rewarding. 

Tell us about a "mountain top" experience you had while volunteering at PHFS. Was there a particular time that was very moving or meaningful for you?
So far the most moving moment has been when the kids and some parents have asked me if I could stay in USA and volunteer for whole of their stay at PHFS. Although I will be going home after the summer, this makes our time together more meaningful.  

Can you share any advice (pro tips/best practices) for new volunteers?
Don't be afraid to work with your personality and interact with the guest on a personal level. 

When you're not saving the world at PHFS, what do you do for fun or to unwind?
For fun I like to go hiking in the beautiful nature of Oregon and I try to explore Oregon as much as I can before heading home!

What's a fun fact about you, that few others would know?
I have worked as a security guard and I use to think that I will make security management as my future career.
Congratulations! You made it to the bottom.