This coming Monday, as we celebrate the 240th anniversary of our great country, let us go beyond the BBQ's, beach parties and sales events, and reflect on how fortunate we are to be living in our United States of America.
Our best wishes to one and all for a relaxing, pleasant and refreshing summer. Nathaniel & I are certainly looking forward to some R&R after a arduous, but fulfilling, spring, having given 95 talks in 11 states.
With that said, we are actually getting somewhat prepared for Fall 2016 and Spring 2017. You may want to visit us along the way, or if a school, may want to partner with schools along our stops. Please let me know if you might be interested in a visit, and if so, we can talk how this can be achieved.
Preliminary and Tentative Schedule:
September: Kansas, and New York
October: South Carolina
: South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and New York
January: North Carolina
: Illinois
: California, Alabama, and New York
April: New York
Connecticut, and Central New York (Syracuse region)
Once again, whether you are working or at leisure we wish you a fantastic and peaceful summer!