Weekly Postings
July 1 - July 10, 2016
In This Issue
This Sunday - July 3

First Annual Saint Paul's Barbecue Cook-Off

Sunday, July 3, Following the 11 AM service

Enjoy some BBQ cooked by members of Saint Paul's Church. We will have several categories: RIBS, PULLED PORK, CHICKEN, and BRISKET. There will be a winner in each category as well as an overall winner. Enjoy fellowship and good summer BBQ!  Contact Todd Shafer to enter.  

Not a pit master? Bring a BBQ side dish to share.
This Sunday July 3
  Our Schedule This Sunday      
8:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite I
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Continental Breakfast - Tyler Hall
11:00 AM
Holy Eucharist Rite II
with the Saint Paul's C hoir
Following the 11:00
AM Service 
BBQ Cook-off in the River Room
5:30 PM
Celtic Evening Prayer and Communion
The lessons for this Sunday 8 AM and 11 AM  are Deuteronomy 10:17-21; Psalm 145:1-9; Hebrews 11:8-16; Matthew 5:43-48.

The Lessons for this Sunday 5:30 PM Celtic   is Luke 10:1-11, 16-20.
Independence Day Celebration
July 3, 11:00 AM Service
July 3, at our 11:00 am service, we will begin our Independence Day celebration. Our scripture readings, prayers, and music will help us give thanks for the blessings of liberty with which we have been entrusted.
NO EYC this Sunday.  EYC will meet MONDAY Evening to hold an EYC Fundraiser.
(See details below.) 
Celtic Service
Celtic Evening Prayer & Communion
with Prayers for Healing 
Every Sunday, 5:30 PM

Rectors Discretionary Account 1st Sunday Offering
Your generous non-pledged offerings (cash and designated checks) on the first Sunday each month support our clergy's Discretionary Account. Frs. Muir and Jenkins use these funds to meet urgent needs within our community, to further the ministries of the church when other funds are not available, and to support community programs and institutions that serve those in need.
Next Week July 4 - July 10
Parish Office Closed

The Parish Office will be closed Monday, July 4, in observance of Independence Day.

Star Spangled Fourth SOLD OUT
Monday, July 4, 7:30 PM

EYC Youth Fundraiser for Fall White-water Rafting Trip
Monday, July 4, 7:30 PM - 10 PM
The youth of Saint Paul's are holding a fundraiser the evening of July 4th selling water to passersby from 7:30-10 PM to help fund our fall kick-off white-water rafting trip! All youth, grades 6-12, interested in attending our white-water trip are strongly encouraged to attend! Plus, you get to see great fireworks! Contact Ranie to confirm your attendance and receive more details.
Recycle your Printer Cartridges with a DCCM Benefit
Downtown Cooperative Church Ministries (DCCM) will be recycling printer cartridges over the next several months as a fundraiser. Please place your empty cartridges in the small blue box in Tyler Hall. For questions, contact Rex Teeslink or Al Yarbrough . Your participation is greatly appreciated.
St. Stephen's Ministry Board Opening

Did you know that there is an Episcopal ministry in Augusta that cares for homeless persons who are HIV positive? In 1989, a young soldier at Fort Gordon learned that he had developed AIDS. His name was Stephen, and he was dying without anyone to provide basic end of life care. Stephen was an Episcopalian, so he reached out to local parishes for help. The Rev. Joseph Way, rector at St. Alban's Episcopal Church, responded by recruiting a team of parishioners to help care for Stephen during his final months. After Stephen died, the Augusta Convocation of Episcopal Churches responded to the unmet need for a ministry to homeless persons dying from HIV/AIDS, so St. Stephen's Ministry was established. Since the beginning, members of Saint Paul's have been involved in sustaining this ministry and providing leadership on its board of directors.

Recently, Charles Duchscher and I, on behalf of the Outreach Committee and in response to Fr. Jenkins's request, had the privilege of visiting St. Stephen's to renew our connection, to learn about their current work and about their needs. We are delighted to report that the staff, like the residents, are gracious and kind. St. Stephen's currently provides transitional housing for HIV positive homeless adults; case management and support services to help their clients manage their lives and the disease; educational opportunities so they can return to the workforce; and a very successful food distribution pantry for those who care for adults living with HIV/AIDS. They do truly amazing work for a highly marginalized and stigmatized population in our community. This ministry follows the way of Jesus who reached out to the ostracized and stigmatized of his day, the lepers.

There is an opening on their board of directors that should be filled by a member of Saint Paul's, so we invite you prayerfully to discern whether you are called to this kind of ministry. Please contact me, Ginny Henson, to learn more.

Finally, we invite you to help us sustain St. Stephen's Ministry by including them among your charitable giving choices. They are excellent fiscal managers, and they do essential work in our community. Episcopalians have a long history of working for social and economic justice, so please pray for the welfare of St. Stephen's Ministry, for the welfare and dignity of those they serve, and that the Spirit will lead a member of our parish to join their board of directors.

In Christ,

Ginny Henson
Second Sunday Birthday Celebration
Sunday, July 10, Following the 11:00  AM  service, On the Portico
On the Second Sunday of each month, ALL are invited to gather on the Portico following the 11 o'clock service for a brief but joyful celebration to honor our old and young souls whose birthdays fall in that month.  Join us in celebrating our July birthdays, next Sunday, July 10. 

Looking Ahead 
Veterans' Ice Cream Social 
Sunday, July 17, 2:15 - 4:00 PM, Georgia War Veterans' Nursing Home
Thank our Veterans for their service Sunday afternoon, July 17, at our quarterly ice cream social. We'll Meet at the Georgia War Veterans Nursing Home on 15th Street in the dining hall at 2:15 PM to serve ice cream and cookies and spend time visiting with our Veterans. All ages welcome.  Contact Sid Trimmier   for more information.
Donate special music on summer Sundays beginning July 10
Beginning Sunday, July 10, we will have guest singers and instrumentalists during the choir's vacation. These musicians are made possible by gifts given in thanksgiving, celebration, or memory of family or friends. Donors are listed in each Sunday's bulletin and the musicians and dates are arranged through the music office. The cost of musicians is $150. Please email Keith Shafer or contact him by phone at (706) 724-2485, ext. 215, to discuss your interest.
Book Club "Shoot Out"
Thursday, July 28, 10:00 AM, Tyler Hall
The Saint Paul's Book Club Annual "Shoot-Out" for the selection of books to be read for 2016-17 will be taking place on  Thursday, July 28, at 10 AM in Tyler Hall. Please bring at least three book recommendations for the upcoming year, and bring a dish to share for the Pot Luck Lunch. The "Shoot-Out" is a great time to hear about books, enjoy delicious food, and the fellowship of this fun group.   Contact Anita Tanner for more information.
Manna Pantry
Friday, July 29, 
3 - 5 PM, Tyler Hall 

Saturday, July 30, 
9:30 AM - 12 noon, Tyler Hall

Manna Pantry at Saint Paul's Church provides a box of food six times a year to those in our community who need this supplemental assistance. Our next Manna Pantry is scheduled Friday, July 29, and Saturday, July 30. Food ordered from Golden Harvest Food Bank is delivered to Saint Paul's on Friday evening. Manna Pantry volunteers unload the truck, organize the food, and assemble boxes for recipients Friday evening from 3 until 5 pm. Recipients are registered and served on Saturday morning from 9:30 am until 12 noon. Volunteers also help carry boxes to cars. Families with children and youth are welcome to join parishioners of all ages serving this ministry. For more information or to volunteer,
October 16 - October 18

The Lansing Lee Conference, named in honor of Lansing B. Lee, Jr., a longtime parishioner of Saint Paul's Church, offers an opportunity to gather in the mountains of North Carolina during the most beautiful time of the year to learn, be inspired and enjoy all that Kanuga has to offer. I hope you will consider attending this year's conference with others from Saint Paul's Church and from throughout the country.

On September 24, 2015, led by Pope Francis, the United States Congress applauded the Golden Rule. The next day, things were back to normal. The 2016 Lansing Lee Conference will consider the question of whether civility and respect as spiritual values are essential to democracy. Led by New York Times writer, Mark Oppenheimer and a panel of thinkers and writers, participants will explore the idea of transformational leadership. As we look toward the elections of 2016, how can the country go from a place of partisanship to engagement?

Join us at Kanuga as we seek to engage public issues 
at the intersection of politics and religion.

The annual Lansing Lee Conference honors the memory of Lansing B. Lee Jr. of Saint Paul's Church, Augusta, GA. Lee participated in many aspects of Kanuga's programs and governance for more than 50 years. The conference focuses on the theme "Practicing the Faith" and explores different dimensions of that topic in the context of the world, nation, the Church and society. 

Read the Spring Quarter Outreach Opportunities 

The new Quarterly Outreach Opportunities is available here.  Mark your calendar with these April - June 2016 service opportunities.  We invite you to join us as often as you are able. 
This Week's Diocese of GA Newsletters

Click here to read this week's Diocese of GA Newsletter: From the Field 
July 2016
Are we missing your birthday?
Please contact the Parish Office to update our files.

Our Second Sunday Birthday Celebration 
will be July 10.  Please Join us. 

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