Be sure to mark your calendars for these upcoming events! |
Saturday, June 25 Villa Park Run
Tuesday, June 28 Regular City Council Meeting
Monday, July 4 Independence Day City Hall Closed
Monday, July 4 Fourth of July "Stars On" Parade
Welcome to Villa Park's E-newsletter "The Feeder." The City of Villa Park is dedicated to sharing information and resources with the community. This newsletter will highlight information on community interests, events, and activities, as well as update and report on major projects happening in the city. Editions will be released weekly. Enjoy!
With the 4th of July approaching, please keep in mind that legal fireworks are allowed in the City of Villa Park on the 4th of July between the hours of 12:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Every year thousands of burns and eye injuries are caused by fireworks. The Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA) has provided these safety tips so that you can enjoy fireworks safely!
If you see the sale or use of illegal or dangerous fireworks, you can anonymously report it by calling the Orange County Sheriff's Department at (714) 647-7000.
The Ocean Begins at Your Front Door
Even though you live miles away from the Pacific Ocean, you may be polluting it without knowing it.
Before you pour anything into the gutter or down the drain, stop and think! Storm drains go directly into channels and creeks... and through wetlands and bays straight to the ocean.
Anything we use in our home, car and business like motor oil, paint, pesticides, fertilizers and cleaners can wind up in the street. A little water from rain or a garden hose can carry automotive and house hold materials through the storm drain, polluting bays, wetlands and the ocean. Storm drains are there to drain water off the street-not for disposal of hazardous materials. Dumping one quart of motor oil down a storm drain contaminates 250,000 gallons of water. Because storm drains are separate from our sewer system, Storm Water & Urban Runoff Pollution can flow into the ocean without treatment.
These pollutants flow together on a journey from the storm drain to the flood control channel where it can eventually empty into the ocean. This type of pollution is a serious threat to the beaches and ocean of Southern California.
Click here to learn more about how you can help reduce water pollution!
Attention Villa Park Residents!
We are currently putting together an e-mail database so that we can send out news, information and surveys specific to Villa Park.
Click here if you are a Villa Park resident and would like to sign-up. Your address will be required when signing up so that we can verify your residency. Thank you!