Seaside Yoga Sanctuary
July 2016

I remember all too well, that at some point after practicing yoga for quite awhile, I began to learn more challenging postures; what some might call advanced postures.  It was exciting to learn something new and to experience postures that I thought might never be accessible by my body.  And I remember how good it felt to think I was no longer a beginner.  There was a sense of satisfaction in learning these "advanced postures" as my ego wanted to identify with being considered an "advanced" practitioner.

Fast forward a few years, and like many ah ha moments I had along the yoga practitioner road, I began to understand that I learned more when I had the attitude of a beginner.  Meaning that while I still continued to explore further into the asana practice and practiced challenging postures, I realized the power and benefit of coming to the mat with a beginner's mind. 
A beginner's mind does not mean to forget all that we have learned, but rather to let go of our idea of what we think we know, so that there is an emptiness - space for new things to be learned.  Because when we think we already know everything, it automatically limits what is available to us.  The mind becomes narrow this way, instead of becoming more open.
A beginner's mind can allow us to be more receptive and even more alert, because we pay more attention.
When we practice our postures, we have to also remember that the pose we practiced yesterday, was with yesterday's body and yesterday's mind.  The same pose practiced today may require different awareness so we must not get complacent in our practice, no matter how many times we have done it.

As the zen proverb states, If the cup is already full, how can you add more tea?  Pouring in more tea will only cause your cup to overflow, therefore, you must first empty your cup.

Are you having difficulty finding a solution to a problem?
Empty your cup
In disagreement with your spouse, co-worker, or friend?
Empty your cup
Meeting resistance in mapping out a plan for something new you wish to create?
Empty your cup

A beginner's mind is a fresh mind.  Meet a challenge with the knowledge you carry, but with a beginners perspective.  As you dissolve your cemented thoughts and bring in fluidity, new ideas begin to arise.

Constantly check in with and re-evaluate what is true for you.
It might change.
You might need to unlearn what you have learned and the learn again.
Empty your cup
Maybe yesterday Tadasana (mountain pose) felt spacious and stable with the feet and legs together.  But maybe today, today's body might need slight space in between them.
Empty your cup

Easier said then done sometimes; emptying our cups takes practice too.
But once you empty your cup, you will become fully available, fully open to receive the next thing life is ready to fill you with.

With love and light,
Laura McKinnon

PS - For those of you that have practiced with me as students over the years, know that I recently returned to teaching after being away for awhile after our son died.  While I very much LOVE teaching and LOVE being in community at the studios, it became clear to me that it was not the right time for me to come back to teaching yet.  I have yet again emptied my cup to hold space for what I feel is coming next for me and the next call of service to others.  I know I will  return to teaching, but I don't know when.  I have begun to write more and will be sharing my journeys through a personal blog on yoga, life, and motherhood.  I will remain an integral part of SYS and will be around the studios often.  Please feel free to follow me on my page here.

  July Class Schedule
(click above to download)
  • NEW! Thursdays in Seaside, is now Hatha Flow ALL Levels 9:30-10:45am with JENN
  • Jenn is teaching Mondays for Laura in Seaside, 5:45-6:50pm, All Levels Hatha
  • Cancelled - PostNatal Yoga is on summer break (look for it's return in the fall)


4th of July Weekend Schedule

All classes at all studio locations held as regularly scheduled over the weekend


Monday, the 4th

Salinas: 9am & 4:30pm class only

Seaside 9:30am only

Pacific Grove: 8am, 9:15am, and 1pm classes only 


**For those attending Sunday 7/3 morning classes in Seaside, please note that a portion of Fremont Blvd will be closed due to a parade.  Parking is available on side streets both east and west of Fremont.  If traveling north on Fremont - you can turn up Kimball, left on Noche Buena, and take a left on Hamilton to drive to the studio.

If traveling south - go up Broadway, make a right on Noche Buena and

right on Hamilton.  You can also come up any of the streets from Del Monte Ave to park near the studio  

Please call the studio with any questions 

Saturday, July 9, 2016  12-6pm
Seaside Studio (
1360 Fremont Blvd, Seaside) 

The iliopsoas is the seat of power and the architect of emotional well-being in asana and daily movement. This workshop will  1)  balance  the deep layers of movement from the mid-back, through the pelvis and across the hips and  2)  remove tension  from the back muscles.  3)  Learn  how the iliopsoas influences activity, posture and movement. These tools grant access to  4)  healthy e ff ortless  hip and back mechanics. Experience for yourself the  5)  Redesign of your posture  and walk out with tools to help your students find symmetry and freedom in the pelvis and low back.
The extended length of this workshop provides the necessary time to dive deeply into the anatomy and design of the iliopsoas, not just through visual learning and note-taking, but also kinesthetically, sensing our anatomy and systematically building luscious imagery that supports our design and movement goals. This workshop is designed for yoga teachers or those in training as well as enthusiastic and curious yogis ready to explore this type of education.
COST : $180 if full payment is received by July 4, 2016. Registration after 7/4 is $210. Register online at or contact the studio for alternate payment methods.
QUESTIONS  Contact instructor Donna Luder:  phone  831-206-0725 or  web or  email  [email protected]

Donna holds certifications in Pilates, Gyrotonic and Franklin Method and earned her MS in Kinesiology from the University of Texas. She teaches yoga at CSUMB and has owned a private training studio since 1997 where she meets clients for private mind-body coaching and training. Her education program for Pilates teachers prepares students to sit for the Pilates Method Alliance's national certification examination. 

Self Massage and Somatics
with Kathy

Saturday, July 16th 5-7:30pm
Seaside Studio (1360 Fremont Blvd) 

We all carry tension somewhere in our bodies. Learn how to melt away tension, trigger points and held stress patterns. You will learn techniques to take home with you using tennis balls, yoga blocks, wooden dowels and your own body. You will also be guided through gentle movements on the floor between massage techniques that gently free areas of repetitive stress.
COST: $25 Early Registration OR $30 At Door
Kathy Albers, ERYT500, YLC, LMT, 
is a Senior Prajna Yoga Teacher and has studied with her teachers, Tias & Surya Little both at the Prajna Yoga Temple in Santa Fe and nationally since 2009. Kathy is a leading expert in Sound Healing & Restorative Yoga. She teaches how to heal yourself through a series of yoga postures supported with yoga props (blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets, chairs & the wall) to allow the body to slowly open into the pose in your own time, your own personal way.
Hydrate Your Healthy, Happy Hips 
with Kathy
Sunday, July 17th 1-3:30pm
Seaside Studio (1360 Fremont Blvd)  

We will move through a series of yoga asanas that focus on the hip joint, the sacrum and pelvis as well as the psoas muscle. Holding poses for 3-5 mins increases fluidity in the joints acts as a pump for the surrounding tissue. The practice is dynamic, therapeutic and deeply grounding. Each class is intelligently sequenced to allow the body to open and strengthen without strain. Classes are all levels and provide challenge for experienced students and modifications for those requiring more support.

COST: $25 Early Registration OR $30 At Door

Kathy Albers, ERYT500, YLC, LMT, 
is a Senior Prajna Yoga Teacher and has studied with her teachers, Tias & Surya Little both at the Prajna Yoga Temple in Santa Fe and nationally since 2009. Kathy is a leading expert in Sound Healing & Restorative Yoga. She teaches how to heal yourself through a series of yoga postures supported with yoga props (blocks, straps, bolsters, blankets, chairs & the wall) to allow the body to slowly open into the pose in your own time, your own personal way.

Essential Oil Workshop
with Melissa Martin
Saturday, July 30th 1-2pm
PG Studio (300 Grand Ave)

Are you searching for natural alternatives to the rising costs of health are and the unpleasant side effects of medication? Please join us for Natural Solutions, a 101 class to essential oils and to learn how they can overhaul your health and life. We will learn what essential oils are, how they work, how to use them, dōTERRA essential oils, and how to obtain them at the lowest possible price. Bring a friend and come with questions and health concerns/goals to discuss and learn to apply oils to. You will leave feeling educated and empowered to take your health into your own hands and learn to become the expert of your own body!

Cost: $15
(includes a complimentary bottle of Wild Orange essential oil and an essential oil lifestyle magazine to learn more ways to use them) 

Taught by Melissa Martin, essential oil educator, classical pilates instructor, and eating psychology coach.

The Sound Temple Tour
with Gabriel Logan Braun
Sunday, July 31st 7-9pm
Seaside Studio (1360 Fremont Blvd)

The Sound Temple with Gabriel Logan Braun is a healing journey of mindfulness and movement. It's a dynamic and improvisational expression in response to what's needed in the room to create a deeply healing and restorative experience for the participants. As a multi-instrumentalist, Gabriel uses loop pedals, his voice, flutes, crystal bowls, didgeridoo, percussion, harmonium and guitar to create a unique melding of sounds for people to relax, de-stress, harmonize and embrace the depth of our sacred inner-world. From his angelic tones to soulful beat boxing, Gabriel's heartfelt and earthy sound comes through his music to create experiences for people to celebrate the human spirit. By creating timeless and expansive soundscapes where there is nothing for the mind to hold onto, this allows for participants to really let go and unwind from their day. At times, light percussive vocal rhythms and harmonies are interwoven to create a feeling of containment and safety which allows the mind to better focus, the body to relax and the nervous system to return to homeostasis. Welcome, you have just returned home.  

COST: $15 pre-registration OR $20 at the door

Yoga Related Resources

"If the Angel decides to come it will be because you have convinced her, not by tears, but by your humble resolve to be always beginning; to be a beginner."
~ Rainer Maria Rilke

  | Seaside Yoga Sanctuary | 831.899.YOGA (9642) | [email protected] |