Bite-Size Blog #12

The Next "Vital Sign" in Medicine

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that poor diet is as harmful to health as is smoking. Yet, while smoking status is routinely assessed at every patient visit, evaluation of dietary health is neglected because a quick tool to assess its status has been lacking. 

Until NOW.

The simple 4Leaf Survey can be completed by patients in less than three minutes. The 4Leaf score that is generated serves as a dietary vital sign, assessing the healthfulness of each patient's diet. 

After taking the survey online, you will immediately be advised of your point total and the 4Leaf level where you scored. We foresee that "point total" (ranging from -44 to +44) becoming the next vital sign in medicine--just like a "Yes or No" answer to the smoking question.  
To see how many points you earned or lost on each question, you will need to access the printed surveys online at our website. The survey is now available in seven languages, including a Kids Version. Access all eleven printer-friendly versions easily by clicking:
Many doctors around the world have started using our survey and it is also used at eCornell. Everyone likes the simplicity, ease and speed of this tool.

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Want to get started nurturing your own health and the health of our planet? Take our survey at
Click here to learn more about this free online dietary assessment tool.

Want a copy of our 4Leaf book? Visit our eStore.  U se this discount code for $5 off the $13.88 list price. BVYYXVY4  

J. Morris (Jim) Hicks    917-399-9700

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