July 7, 2016
Assiniboia Chamber of                                      
Upcoming Chamber Events!
Next Event - September 15
Breakfast Meeting with Hon. Cliff Cullen, Minister Growth Enterprise & Trade
Shipping Cost Saving Opportunity!

Does your business ship or receive packages on an ongoing basis, or even infrequently! Your chamber membership provides you with an exclusive offer by UPS, savings of 30% can be achieved. Need to know more contact Richard at the chamber office or register directly through this link.

First Data announces their" Meet or Beat" Promotion!
If First Data cannot meet or beat your current payment processing fees then you earn a $1,000 MasterCard gift card.
Contact Richard at the Chamber Office for your referral.

Your Assiniboia Chamber membership can provide you with business services at reduced costs! for shipping, merchant service & more.
Chamber Notes!

2016-17 Chamber Member Directory and Buyers Guide is in pre-production. You may be contacted by a representative of Pegasus Publications for your business ad. We encourage your support of our annual publication. Distribution to over 4,000 members and businesses in August.  A great resource to locate your fellow members and find those services that you may need. Look for your copy in the mail.
The 2016-17 Monthly Member Schedule has been set. Introducing a revised schedule to include a mix of breakfast and luncheon meetings. Fall series commences with a breakfast meeting, Thursday September 15 featuring a keynote address by Hon. Cliff Cullen, Minister of Growth, Enterprise & Trade. 
Marketing & Sponsorship Opportunities
- increase your membership profile for as little as $50 or become a major chamber partner with sponsorship including named events. Contact Richard at the chamber for further information.
M ember Referral Program
- Do you know of a business that could benefit from the many offerings and services of the chamber? Submit that business contact to the chamber office for our follow up. When they sign you are eligible for great rewards, including complimentary member luncheon registration. 
We need a Pic!
The 2016-17 Member Directory and Buyers Guide is in production. We need a picture for the cover that can best relate to our Assiniboia District.
Do you have an image that fits the bill?
Send to  Selected image will receive photo credit. (Selfies not required, submissions received by July 31)

You'll get a Bang out of this!
Welcome to RedBomb Fireworks to the Assiniboia District. Just opened their new retail shop at 1838 Portage Avenue.
Certainly was a busy store prior to July 1 when your chamber representative paid them a visit.
We look forward to this new business discovering the value and benefit of Chamber membership.

Challenge 500! The adventure continues.

We are on our way - check out the growing list of new members.  We will keep you updated as we proceed with the membership growth.

Do you know of a business or organization that can benefit from the value and services of the Assiniboia Chamber? Pass along that contact information and we will undertake the connection with that gfuture member.

What's in it for you the member? - growth of your  chamber will have a positive effect on the chambers programs, offerings and value to the community. Of course we recognize that a little incentive also helps.

Members that refer a new membership will receive a complimentary registration to a 2016-17 monthly member event and be entered into a monthly draw.

Send referrals to:
Member Survey Coming in August!
Your chance to impact your chamber direction
Your chamber board and staff work tirelessly to provide and organization that meets and even exceeds your expectations. However from time to time we do require your input as to what's important to you.
Is it the monthly learning opportunities at the member luncheon? do you want more networking opportunities? have need for a business service to improve your bottom line? would like more professional development!
Our member survey will be coming to you at the end of July, early August. We request your support by taking a few minutes to provide us with your response.
Look for the dedicated email and links on the chamber website. 

Quick Poll Results - Will the pending strike by Canada Post workers have a negative effect on your business?

Not a fully scientific poll however you did provide your opinion and here it is:

Yes - 61%
 No -  39%

Seems that Canada Post does remain relevant in today's electronic and digital age. News that a 72 hour lock-out notice was provided earlier this week. Primetime to consider alternative shipping options - our member UPS discount may be of value!
 Thank you to those that took the moment to click through the link.

Member Profile - World of Water-Kemi Krystal Water Inc. 

Located at 3275 Portage Avenue, World of Water provides a full range of water services and supplies and from their production facility produces "DEWDROP WATER" , "THE PUREST WATER POSSIBLE" 
Water production, Water Coolers, Accessories, Distillers, Ice as well as Private Labelling are available. With an expanded facility this company has grown to include a line of coffee products, vitamins and home brew kits. Pride in their service and staff make World of Water a place to visit.

Visit their website

"Business Talks" - Series to begin filming 2016-17.  

Local filmmaker and producer Ken Loxton is set to begin filming his business development series - "Business Talks", aimed to provide an edge in the today's competitive marketplace.

If you have interest to have your business included in this film production contact Ken Loxton directly.

Assiniboia Chamber of Commerce | | |
1867 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, R3J 3X7