Chandler to Host Export Boot Camp,
Seeking Local Companies to Participate ::

The City of Chandler is co-sponsoring an export boot camp that will empower up to eight local companies to boost their sales revenues via exports. Coming to Chandler for the first time this fall, the nationally recognized ExporTech program is delivered by the Arizona Commerce Authority along with national partners.

Participating companies will attend three full-day sessions (Aug. 5, Sep. 9, Oct. 14) at Chandler City Hall where they will be exposed to Arizona export experts from diverse subject matter sectors, undergo practical training on key export topics, and receive individualized export coaching.

Between sessions, participants will work with a program-assigned export coach to conduct market research and refine their international strategies. The end result for each company is a customized and expert-reviewed Export Growth Plan that helps the company to quickly move beyond planning and into pursuing concrete export initiatives aimed at closing actual, profitable sales.

SEVRAR Announces Plans for New Office Headquarters at Chandler Airport Center ::   

The SouthEast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS (SEVRAR), the largest realty association in Arizona, has announced plans to build a new office headquarters in Chandler's Airpark Area. The group has purchased a 3.1 acre site at Chandler Airport Center, near the Loop 202 San Tan Freeway and Cooper Road, for a build-to-suit office and conference facility. The project is expected to be completed in early 2018. 

SEVRAR's mission is to provide a dynamic, vibrant, and successful future for its more than 12,000 members as well as build better neighborhoods and communities throughout the Southeast Valley. The group believes their new headquarters will allow them to better serve members from a more central location as the Valley continues to grow south and east.
City Approves Infill Incentive Plan
Project at Former Mervyn's Building :: 

During its meeting on June 23, the Chandler City Council approved an Infill Incentive Plan project at the former Mervyn's building at the southwest corner of Alma School and Elliot roads in North Chandler. 

The 76,000 square foot building, which has been vacant for a number of years, was recently purchased by the owner of Furniture & Mattress Discounters, LLC. City funding will assist the building owner and future tenant in making much needed renovations. A number of improvements are planned, including facade, storefront, and signage.

Since 2001, the City of Chandler has been partnering with property owners in the redevelopment and reuse of older shopping centers to encourage private reinvestment. To date, these programs, including the Infill Incentive Plan, have significantly impacted the condition of Chandler's retail market by providing more than $3.1 million in City assistance that have improved, redeveloped, or reused more than 830,000 square feet of retail space.

Downtown Redevelopment
Employment Corridors
PHX East Valley
Metro Phoenix Export Alliance (MPEXA)
City Council
Study Session
July 25, 2016
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers

City Council
Regular Meeting
July 28, 2016
7 p.m.
88 E. Chicago St.
Council Chambers