SERVICE ABOVE SELF                JULY 12, 2016
Next Club Meeting
Monday, July 18

Lunch: 11:30 to 1:00 pm

St. Barnabas Church

Educational Empowerment:
Microfinance in Myanmar

Upcoming Events

Owen's Playground
Grand Opening Celebration
Saturday, July 16
4:00 to 8:00 pm
Rotary Park

Friends of Rotary Reception
Friday, July 22
6:00 to 8:00 pm
at the home of
Ed & Linda Gilbert

For the full slate of committee meetings, board meetings, club meetings, and other events, visit the calendar.

Rotary International
Theme for July 2016:
A New Rotary Year

Happy Bucks

Vicki Browning: $5
Since she's training for the Susan G. Komen fundraising walk, Vicki set out to walk the 4 miles home from Battle Point Park on Sunday. Vicki's Happy Bucks are for the five offers of rides she received from passing Rotarians who mistakenly thought she would appreciate the lift!

Rosemary: $20
Rosemary gratefully called out John Stephens for rescuing a beautiful desk from the crusher trucks post-Auction--and for subsequently letting Rosemary have it when she professed her interest. Furthermore, he drove the desk to her house on a flatbed trailer and brought it into the garage with a helper. Nice work, John!

Renee: $5
Renee, a former Rotarian and recent Auction & Rummage Sale attendee, shared her story of purchasing a dollhouse at this year's Auction & Rummage Sale--and then, while carrying the item around, was stopped by the artist who had made the dollhouse, many years ago. While the artist winced a little upon hearing that her dollhouse had just been sold for $10, Renee's daughter Sage will be quite pleased in the years to come!  Pictured below from left to right: Renee, husband Kevin, daughter Sage, and artist Sharon.

For anyone not in the loop, this year's Auction & Rummage Sale brought in a record-smashing $556,869.95!


Have a news item for the Bulletin? Send it to the newsletter editor.


If you're a Facebook user, please make sure you've liked all of our pages.  It's easy to promote our club by liking, commenting on, and sharing our posts.

Thank you!

The Four-Way Test

1.  Is it the truth?

2.  Is it fair to all concerned?

3.  Will it build goodwill and better friendships?

4.  Will it be beneficial to all concerned?

Monday evening's club meeting was a celebration of last year's accomplishments and a dose of inspiration for the coming 12 months.

Building on a tremendous inheritance, I'm honored to take the gavel from Todd Tinker and continue the legacy of leadership that has served our club so well. 

As I shared on Monday, my experience in Seoul at the Rotary International Convention made an indelible mark on me as a Rotarian and will be the foundation of my work in serving you as president of our club. Most succinctly:

It all starts with one.

Be the one.

In gratitude,

Susie Glass Burdick

When and Where Is Our Next Meeting, Anyway?
Given the recent changes to our weekly meeting schedule, you may be wondering where and when you're supposed to be somewhere on any given Monday. Here are a few tips to help avoid last-minute confusion or missed meetings.

1. Next week's meeting will always appear in the box at the top left corner of this newsletter. Note that we will not have another meeting at Wing Point Country Club until September 12.

2. The upcoming meeting schedule is posted on the home page of our website.

3. The calendar on our website has every weekly club meeting listed through June 2017. Committee meetings, board meetings, and other special events also appear on that calendar.

Meeting Debrief: The Super-Skinny Version
What happened at this week's club meeting?

Todd Tinker, outgoing president, gave a State of the Club address. Todd spoke passionately about not just the extraordinary numbers were racked up this year, but the impact of those funds. 

Vicki Browning gave an update on membership, noting that we inducted 20 new Rotarians during the past club year. Paul Harris points were awarded to those who hosted a Friends of Rotary Reception and those who brought in the most new members: Tom Lindsley, Jim Hopper, Art Bartel, Kelly Deis, Heather Church; Patti Shannon, Dave Christensen, Michael Camp, and Johanna Branley.

Service Committees awardees were honored. Community Service: Don Mannino; Club Service: Steve Walden; Vocational Service: Roy Murdoch; International Service: Michael Camp; Youth Service: Jack Sutherland.

The Roger Mayfield Four-Way Test Award for extraordinary demonstration of service above self was given to Mike Lewars.

Elayne Burton, Trainer for District 5020 and member of the Silverdale Rotary Club, performed the duty of thanking last year's Board of Directors, ushering in our new Board of Directors (pictured above) as well as our new President. During the proceedings, she called up every past president in attendance, underscoring that this group of leaders will be available to serve and guide Susie as needed:

Hello, President Susie!

Thank you for your extraordinary service, Todd!

A Note of Gratitude
We had the pleasure of receiving a thank-you note from Ricky Perry, to whom we awarded a Community Service scholarship in 2015. Todd Tinker shares a bit of background on Ricky:

Ricky was ASB President at BHS his senior year and turned it into a real platform. At one point, Ricky heard about a boarding school in Haiti, called the Montfort Institute for Blind and Deaf Orphans, which was destroyed in the 2010 Haiti earthquake. He resolved to fundraise for the school. He lobbied the BHS administration to make it an ASB project and was turned down. Instead of quitting, he turned to a club at the school, the Social Justice League, and convinced them to get behind it. They sold bracelets and other jewelry during lunch and raised money for the school.
In spring 2015, Ricky took on the problem of cyber-bullying at BHS by creating Unity Week, which culminated in bringing in a nationally known speaker to speak at an assembly about his family's personal experience with cyber-bullying. Ricky had to raise money to pay for the cost of that speaker. He asked for and received a grant from Rotary for part of it and got the rest of it from the Bainbridge School Foundation.
Ricky is a very charismatic and confident guy. When he says in his note that "I am very confident in my admission to all of these programs," that's totally Ricky.
He doesn't say in his note where he's going to school, but Facebook indicates at the University of Washington.

Dear Bainbridge Island Rotary,
My first year in college has been nothing short of amazing. The bonds I have formed with students local and international alike are a privilege. Your support has helped me surpass my academic goals and succeed in my extra-curriculars as well. I have decided to double major in Finance and International Studies along with a minor in Mandarin. I am very confident in my admission to all of these programs. I extend my utmost gratitude to you all for supporting my journey.
Ricky Perry

It's such a delight to receive Ricky's update.
Owen's Playground: Time for Play
Rotary Club of Bainbridge Island | 206-940-9844
[email protected]