For nonprofits and the people who love them...
3 for Thursday, brought to you by K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC
July 14, 2016 Edition
1. IS' Nonprofit Leadership Initiatives
2. Killer Landing Page Article
3. Foundations for Young Adult Success Report
1. Key Resource: Independent Sector's Nonprofit Leadership Initiatives
For Leaders at All Levels
Independent Sector offers a myriad of services and supports for folks in leadership roles, including: 
  • NGEN - provides those 40 and under with tools and networks to be successful
  • C-Suite Network - designed specifically for managers and directors who report directly to their organization's Executive Director / CEO
  • Initiative for Nonprofit Talent and Leadership - advocates for greater cross-sector commitment and investment in nonprofit leadership development
2 Sage Advice: The Importance of a Killer Landing Page  
NTEN Article by David Blyer 
Blyer does a good job laying out the importance of a rock-solid landing page when soliciting for online donations or other calls to action. He provides useful suggestions for ensuring your page yields the result you want. For instance: 
  • Is it designed to ensure people read the most important info first? 
  • Have you incorporated the elements of a powerful headline? 
  • Is it mobile optimized? 
  • Did you include "social proof?"
To learn how to do it right, 

3.  Report: Skills & Knowledge Are Not Enough   

Foundations for Young Adult Success Study by University of Chicago 
Reviewing gobs of research and best practices, the study authors found that, beyond giving children knowledge and skills, we also need to build other "foundational components" of their development, including mindset, self-regulation and values. 

These components underly three key factors to success "Having the Agency to make active choices about one's life path, possessing the  Competencies  to adapt to the demands of different contexts, and incorporating  different aspects of oneself into an Integrated Identity."

They then map out how these components and key factors impact the young person's development and relationship to self, others and the world at 5 different stages, from early childhood (ages 3-5) to young adulthood (ages 19-22).

Brought to you by

K. Weill Consulting Group, LLC

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