Connecting With An Open Heart
Dear Spiritual Partner,

Last week I received an invitation from a small town in
Wyoming to a ceremony f or  Vietnam veterans.  The names
of each are being etched into a plaque to be mounted in the town square next month. They invited me as one of their own - a vet from Cowley, Wyoming. I felt the depth of the   honoring this town has for me and for my fellow veterans that came from there. I was so appreciative , but the thing is, I am not from that town! 

I was busy, but I emailed back: I served in Vietnam, but I am not from Cowley. Thank you so very much for thinking of me. I feel like I have been adopted. Love, Gary.  
Within h ours another email arrived: Hi Gary. I do not know how you received this email. I am aware of your great work. I love your books...and am baffled as to how you landed on this list. Love, John

Now I have a connection with Cowley, Wyoming, and John and the people in Cowley and the people from Cowley who served their country.    This came at the perfect time for me. Linda and I live in a small town, also. Sometimes I forget how many people have read my books and appreciate them. This unexpected invitation helped me to remember , and it filled me with joy . I cannot say it was a misplaced invitation, because it found the person who needed most to read it. Me.

If you think you know all you need to know to reach beyond your familiar environments - to create authentic power - please consider my story. Without reaching out to others, you will never swim in the vast ocean of meaning and fulfillment around you. Like a small fish that has never left a coral reef, you will live in the illusion that you have experienced all your life offers you and that your joy and freedom demand. This is the life I was living when this picture was taken.

Connecting with others with an open heart is the greatest challenge and reward of the Earth school. Only frightened parts of your personality resist it, and they are the parts that confine you. The next time you feel withdrawn, uninterested, preoccupied, or overwhelmed, try giving the frightened parts of your personality the strongest challenge you can. Open yourself to someone. Open your heart and share your attention. Share the precious presence you are in the Earth school. See what you can learn about yourself. See what you can contribute to others.

You may also want to look at other frightened parts of your personality that could be keeping you from connecting with your heart, such those that are extroverted, the life of the party, gregarious, full of themselves, and too busy to answer an email that obviously doesn't pertain to them.

Life beyond the reef is amazing.

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The biggest challenge in a spiritual life is putting the truths we learn into actual practice in our lives, to move from simply understanding concepts to making new choices. The Master Class Immersion takes place across twelve months through a highly experiential combination of online and on-site teachings so you can weave what you are learning into daily life.
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The Master Class Immersion One Year Program
Gary Zukav and Linda Francis

Whole mind, whole heart, whole life transformation.
Use your intuition. Create authentic power. Partner with your soul.
And this is just the beginning.

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Note From Linda
Linda Francis

Honoring Sacred Contracts
I went on a vision quest recently with the group of our colleagues who are also supporting people in their own ways to create authentic power. 

Many of them I had not met before, and I was not aware of a quite a few others or what they are doing, but they filled me with much hope because I could see that they are following their hearts and fulfilling their sacred contracts. 

What really stuck me was their innate recognition of what I am personally doing and all that I have done to create authentic power and spiritual partnership over the last twenty-five years and more. Many of these younger colleagues were not aware of authentic power or the work that I have done personally and with Gary, but they saw me as a mentor and an elder and helped me to step into that perception more deeply for myself. It is such a gift to challenge that part of me that feels so insignificant in a more direct way than ever by choosing to remember the honoring of these young and not so young colleagues.

With Love,                                                                                                                      
"Try looking at life as a beautifully well-organized dynamic."
- Gary Zukav, Seat of the Soul  
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