USAID Acquisition and Assistance Update
Visiting CO/AOs in the Field

January 15, 2016
Dear Partners, 

We are committed to strengthening our partnerships through increased transparency and active engagement with our counterparts. Development is never easy and the world is becoming a more complex and unpredictable environment in which to do our work. It is only through strong relationships, open communications, and our shared commitment to sustainable development that USAID can achieve its mission. In short, we need you.

Over the last year, we have demonstrated our commitment to developing robust partnerships through the Management Bureau Summit, Partners' Day event, Ask the Procurement Executive and Business Forecast calls, and enhancement to various procedures in response to your feedback. These activities have been extremely beneficial, but the dialogue has primarily been Washington-based. We want to ensure the same level of collaboration and partnership is made in the field, with our field Contracting/Agreement Officers (CO/AOs).

As Acting Director of M/OAA, I would like to remind partners of the importance of meeting with the Mission CO/AOs when in-country or visiting the field Mission. This is an effort for which our implementing partners need to take the lead. Not only do we think it is a best practice, but it demonstrates good will and commitment to establishing a collegial working relationship towards achieving our ambitious development goals.

I also ask that this outreach not only be done for awards managed within the Mission, but also for awards which are being conducted within the host country but managed through a field support mechanism. Beyond a courtesy, providing notice to the Mission CO/AO allows them to discuss synergies, opportunities to include you in any potential field partners' meetings, and be aware of staff in-country for security reasons. Advance notification also increases transparency at the field level of on-going development activities being conducted in-country but not under the auspices of the cognizant bilateral mission. This information is critical to the USAID Mission Director, who is responsible for representing all of USAID's development portfolio in their country, irrespective of award mechanism.

Our development mission requires active engagement from all parties to succeed. Deepening that partnership and ensuring it reaches down to the field mission and the field CO/AOs is essential for operational success. As we start 2016, I am energized about the work we do and the year ahead.

Please share this message with your network and colleagues.

Thank so very much,

Mark Walther
Bureau for Management's 
Office of Acquisition & Assistance

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