A weekly newsletter about letting the workplace speak
Issue 28/Volume 3                www.VisualWorkplace.com                July 13, 2016
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Visual Thinking Inc.

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Follow-Up Webinar for NIACC April Visual Thinking Seminar Attendees 
Tuesday, July 19 
Call for Info 503-233-1784

Shingo Manufacturing Summit
Mini Visual Thinking Seminar Knoxville, TN

September 20

 Visual Thinking Seminar and Site Assessment 
Querétaro, Mexico 
October 19-20 & 25-26   
Product News
Now only $4980 (or $415/mo) get your
Work That Makes Sense
without waiting for corporate authorization.
Thought for the Week
Working in an environment without visual information-sharing is like trying to reach a destination by driving a hundred miles on a road with no signs, no signals, and no lines down the center of the road. You can probably make it, but you are likely to pay a terrible price.

from Visual Workplace/Visual Thinking
by Dr. Gwendolyn Galsworth
Visual Poem/Puzzle
And the Visual Fail Prize Goes To...
Have you seen a Visual Fail that made you laugh?  Send the image to [email protected],
and we'll put it here and credit you with the funny find!    

Visual Radio: 
5S, Supervisors & Heroes (Part 7) 
Listen to Gwendolyn this 
Thursday at 10am (Pacific) on

If building a workforce of heroes is part of a company's vision, then how can supervisors help? What is their role? Join us this week as Gwendolyn Galsworth reveals the all-important part supervisors--and we include managers in this term--play in helping value-add associates find and cultivate the hero within. New supervisory behaviors kick in early, even before the first training session. But they aren't easy. In fact, most supervisors loudly object to adopting them--at first. Then they learn for themselves the power behind not supervising--not managing--people who are just beginning to learn what it means to become improvement contributors. This particular bend in the methodology may surprise you as well and is especially important in a visual conversion where the individual holds the key not only to robust visual solutions but to the sustainability of those visual outcomes--and your growing profit margins. Tune in/Learn more. Let the workplace speak!

Feature Article
Visuality & Pink Powder (Part 7: The Invisible Enemy)
by Gwendolyn Galsworth, PhD

   Here's an odd conc eptual parallel: We know that the invisible enemy at work is missing information. But the remedy--visual devices--is also largely unnoticed; that is because they are hidden in plain sight. My first encounter with visuality was just like that. The year: 1985. The place: the first study mission I led to Japan. At that time, I knew nothing about improvement, let alone visuality. My background, in sequence, was: a Latin teacher in Northern New Jersey, an actor in NYC, and a token Caucasian waitress at the local Chinese Dragon. There I was, with very fresh eyes, leading a study mission to legendary Japanese plants, Toyota first amongst them. Some things happened on that first trip that are still playing themselves out in my visual workplace thinking. At that time, the field had no name, no logic, no principles, and no methodology.

We were touring a final assembly plant in
the Toyota group. I was watching two operators put lug nuts on the tires-one worked the right side of the chassis, the other worked the left.  

Visual Tricks and Treats
Street Art
Great signs, clever visual devices, artistic or humorous graffiti. If you find one to share, send the image to [email protected]