May 4, 2016 |

To Our Valued Facilities:
We are pleased to announce an exciting new opportunity for our facility partners - the release of Pennsylvania Gun Law: Armed And Educated. It is the one book every Pennsylvania gun owner needs to have in his or her library! 

The 378-page book was written by experienced Pennsylvania attorneys Justin McShane and Michael Giaramita, Jr. in a manner everyone can understand. The authors are passionate legal professionals and defenders of our Second Amendment right to bear arms.  
Pennsylvania Gun Law: Armed And Educated is different than other books available, because it contains not only black letter law, but explanations of how the courts interpret that law. This is not a book that just cuts and pastes statutes together. Pennsylvania Gun Law: Armed And Educated
gives the reader a detailed legal analysis (with real-world examples) of specific laws important to firearms owners. It clears up many myths and misconceptions about gun law, including when a person can legally shoot, as well as what to do "after bang!"  
Some of the important topics covered include: 
The law of justification: when can you be legally excused under the law? 
The law of self-defense: when can you legally shoot? 
When can you protect property with deadly force? 
Can you use deadly force against an animal? 
What does a jury think about using firearms in self-defense? 

And much, much more! 

Pennsylvania Gun Law: Armed And Educated will soon be available for retail sale!
Your local U.S. Law Shield rep will be by soon to meet with you if you are interested in stocking this valuable legal resource in your facility, please let them know, or contact me at 877-448-6839. 
David Donchecz 
Vice President of Member Services 
U.S. Law Shield