Russell Simmons, Rabbi Marc Schneier, Mayor Bill de Blasio, L.A. Reid, Daisy Khan and Dean Obeidallah in #MASO - Muslims Are Speaking Out
Here are the new videos released for #MASO - Muslims Are Speaking Out!  Watch them and support our campaign with your social media networks: 

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Together, we will be heard and will make a difference!

FFEU Chairman Russell Simmons:
"This message of love and sameness that we all have and we operate from that basic principle."
L.A. Reid: "We're here to bridge that gap, so that we can all understand the importance of 'Us' and the importance of 'others' and to really bridge the gap of race relationships around the world."
Mayor Bill de Blasio:   "It's really simple. We have to stand up and fight it. It is a moment of conscience."
Dean Obeidallah:  "I speak out because I really think I can make a difference and hopefully I can do it through comedy and my media work."
Daisy Khan:  "Because if we don't proactively speak out, our story is defined by others."
An International Panel Discussion on "Challenging Religious Extremism in a Globalized World"

FFEU partner Imam Shamsi Ali  and the Nusantara Foundation  are honored to invite you to an important international panel discussion entitled, "Challenging Religious Extremism in a Globalized World" on July 22nd, 2016 (9:30am-5pm) to be held at 4 W 43rd St., NY, NY 10036. 

As we have witnessed several tragic events in the past few weeks alone, from Orlando, Turkey, Baghdad, Bangladesh, and even in Saudi Arabia, only show the paramount relevance of this event. FFEU President Rabbi Marc Schneier  will offer the opening remarks. We hope you can come and join us on this discussion of the critical issues of our time. 
The Foundation for Ethnic Understanding | (917) 492-2538 | [email protected] |
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