The Companions of Mary the Apostle

July 2016: The Week (plus a few days) of Women

Upcoming Events

Mary Mag Day Eucharist and Potluck

Friday, July 22
4 p.m. 

Bring a dish, a song, a poem.
Signs of new life encouraged!


Coffee Table Communion
is cancelled on 7/22, 7/29.

But usually, join us Fridays, 9:00 a.m.
Companions House,
245 Stony Kill Rd.
Accord, NY  12404

Join the Companions in prayer.

We pray for:

Vocations to our life.
Our ConSpiritors, Covenant Group, Covenant Companions, Vowed Companions.

 Peace, everywhere, now!

Political conventions and leadership transitions around the world.

An end to racial, ethnic, sexual- or gender-based, or religious violence and hatred, and to the systems that give rise to them.

Refugees and migrants.

Those held prisoner through slavery, mass incarceration, and in solitary confinement, and those facing execution.
Those who work under conditions of exploitation: low wages and unsafe conditions.

All people who suffer with addiction or mental illness.

Our planet, struggling to breathe.

We give thanks for people of good will of all faiths and none; for l ife in community, for our daily bread and shelter, for the chance to worship every day; for the opportunity to serve God in the world; and  for the growing community of  people connected to the Companions.

Dear Friends,

July is an amazing month in the (Episcopal) Church.  On July 19 we remember Macrina, who taught and inspired her brothers Basil, Gregory, and Peter.  On July 20 we give thanks for the lives and witness of Harriet Tubman, Sojourner Truth, Amelia Bloomer, and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, freedom fighters of the 19th century.  Then July 22 comes, bringing Mary Magdalene's announcement: "I have seen the Lord!"  July 26 is the feast day for the parents of Mary the Mother of God, and then we wind up our octave plus two on July 29, with Mary and Martha.  It's an embarrassment of riches, an immersion in powerful and prayerful women.  (And yes, we note Joachim in among them; he must have been something himself, to raise such a daughter.)

All this makes July a good month to give thanks for all the women who have carried the love of Christ in their hearts, their bodies, their words, their lives.  The forms of devotion are varied: Martha cooked (and challenged Jesus, and confessed him as Messiah). Her sister listened, and gave her precious ointment without regard for what others thought.  Anne raised her daughter to face into the challenges of following God's will.  Macrina taught and lived a life aimed solely at God.  Harriet risked her life to free others.  Sojourner walked away from slavery, and spoke against her oppression as an African-American and as a woman.  Amelia faced ridicule for her values and actions toward women's equality.  Elizabeth castigated the Church for its failure to honor women's humanity.

And in their midst is the Magdalene.  She no doubt knew some of these women.  She no doubt inspired others.  She let her love and gratitude lead her to break out of her inner slavery, and social expectations (in and out of the circle of disciples), and even what her experience told her was impossible.  She knew what she saw, and she dared to tell others.

If you are reading this, somewhere in you is a vision: the promise of a healed and renewed world, even if it's just one heart or one house at a time.  You have that vision.  You know justice when you see it, and injustice.  You know what it is to hope, and love.  You know the difference between freedom and something less.  And God knows, we need you to share your vision with us now.

Pray with these women to let your life be guided by that vision.  Don't settle.  "Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and the sin that clings, so closely; and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith" (Heb. 12:1-2).

Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!


Shane, for The Companions

Our Favorite Sites

What We're Reading

N.T. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God
Kelly S. Johnson, The Fear of Beggars
Lyn S. Brakeman, God is Not a Boy's Name
Ilia Delio, Compassion: Living in the Spirit of St. Francis

Community News

July is one of our peak times this year.  Aside from some priestly supply work at St. Gregory's in Woodstock and Zion in Wappinger's Falls, and preparing to celebrate Mary Magdalene's day on Friday, our primary concern has been preparation for the first annual retreat of the Covenant Companions.  From July 24-29 we will gather in Phoenicia, NY for some silent retreat time, reflection and recommitment, community building, and planning.  It's a lot to do in five days, but all will be as it should.  

Two people especially are on thresholds this week.  Lorraine Coscia-Ackerman will make her first annual commitment as a Covenant Companion (moving out of "Candidacy" to a more active role in CMA), and Dario Ghersi, a Covenant Group member who lives in Nebraska, will become a Candidate for Covenant Companionship.   Please pray for them, and for the other Candidates, and for the Covenant Group, as all adjust to these moves.

And consider whether you are called to be part of any of these circles.  We do not have a single annual entrance time.  If you are interested, go to our website for  more information.  

Now for the real news: wildlife, in and out of the house.  This is the season when the forest is alive.  The phoebes that nested on our porch have grown and flown.  We have turkeys and fawns on our lawn most days, and the occasional bear wandering down the road and through the woods.  Shadow is now allowed outside during daylight hours, and she is doing her best to flush out mice.  Even the worms are dancing through the grass!  

May you revel in this glorious world wherever you find yourself this month.

Support Our Mission
  • Come to a retreat or quiet day, or invite us to your church or group
  • Become a ConSpiritor!  Ask us how
  • Remember us in your estate planning and will
  • Make a donation to support our ministry.  We are currently beginning a fund to buy a property where we can grow in life and ministry.  We also have a fund to support travel for Covenant Companions who need assistance getting to our annual retreat and gathering.

Donations are tax deductible, can be made to The Companions of Mary the Apostle and sent to us at the address found below.



Heartfelt thanks to all of you who support us in so many ways!




Blessings on you, your community, your ministry!


The Companions of Mary the Apostle
245 Stony Kill Rd.
Accord, NY  12404
(845) 253-0114