Winter Cabin at Flying U Ranch
 All The Latest News and Views from The ranch!  November 2015


We just wrapped up another great season. Guest feedback has been overwhelmingly positive - we are thrilled to hear from guests both in person and on social media. The food and hospitality received special attention this year - thanks to all the staff for working so hard to make that happen. Camp closed for the season on Canadian Thanksgiving weekend and will reopen  May 1st, 2016!
John Lovelace with the herd
New Management for 2016
When the camp reopens there will be some new faces. After more than three decades, ownership of the ranch has officially passed from the Fremlins to a new management group, which will be headed up by Mr. John Lovelace. John is a lifelong Canadian outdoorsman and is well-known nationally from his TV work. He is an accomplished businessman and a pilot, and was the host of the popular national television show Wings over Canada. Following in the long tradition of Flying U Ranch owners and managers going back to the 1920s, John is a colourful character with legendary story telling abilities, happy to share tales of the Canadian wilderness.
Anna Gou - CFO

Anna Gou is the new Chief Financial Officer for the ranch. As an accomplished businesswoman, she will be a valuable asset of the Flying U Ranch. She also loves the Cariboo so we expect she will be at the ranch frequently with her family.
Flying U Horses

The herd is doing well in the winter pasture. We have winter hay in stock and Robert is on site and looking after them
with loving care. The new Management Team is 100% dedicated to the health and welfare of our riding stock.

The Flying U Ranch Saddles
Commitment to the Things That Make the Ranch Great
The focus of the ranch going forward will remain the same. This is a one-of-a-kind, special place steeped in history and tradition. For our returning guests, you will be happy to know that much of what you have come to love about the ranch will be here to greet you: the same cabins, the same horses, the same great menus will be here, as will many of the same staff.

Spa Services at The Flying U Ranch
...With Some Subtle Improvements
Over the next few months we will be announcing some exciting changes to enhance your total Flying U Ranch experience. We will be converting one of the facilities into a health spa offering pedicures, manicures, massages and a hot tub. This will come in handy after a long ride ! We will also be offering some new lakefront equipment to enhance the total experience of the ranch.
The Flying U Ranch Entrance
We Have Made It Easier to See What's Happening at The Ranch
We believe that the Flying U Ranch experience is a 12-month friendship. So we have overhauled the website to give you access to more information and new features including an event calendar, secure online reservations, and a "Members Only" section. Plus we will be adding a weather cam so you will soon be able to see what is happening at the ranch 365 days a year. Today we will be launching our monthly newsletter which will go out to nearly two thousand Flying U friends.
New Flying U Website
New Website

Please click to check it out!
Two Horses with Riders
Flying U Members Only Special!
Reserve early and you get a free membership in our 'Members Only' Club!

When you reserve for 2016 you automatically receive a Member's Only login information. By being in the Club you will have access 12 months of the year to behind-the-scenes updates at the Flying U Ranch!

You will also get first choice on special events and offerings, including free coupons for our new in-house services! It's all free and included when you become part of the Flying U family.
Horseback Riding at The Flying U Ranch
Reserve Early!
We hope you will take advantage of our new online reservation system to let us know when you are coming for a visit. We are keeping a bed warm for you and can't wait to see you in 2016!

Big Thanks to the Fremlins
We would like to extend our sincere appreciation to Ron, Robert, Sally, and Gail and the entire Fremlin family for their hard work and dedication in preserving this great piece of Canadian history. It is our intention to carry on their work and the legacy of Canada's oldest ranch. We are pleased to announce that Robert Fremlin is staying on as our horse wrangler to help out with the transition.

To look at the current rates, CLICK HERE
New prices begin March 1st, 2016 and rates will be raised 6%.

Christmas Gift Certificate - The Flying U Ranch
Christmas Gift Certificates!
A stay at The Flying U Ranch is a heartfelt  Christmas Gift for friends and family.
Make a reservation this holiday and receive a beautiful Christmas Gift Certificate mailed to you with a 5% discount off your total stay (Special ends December 15th, 2015). You'll have plenty of time to put this lovely gift under the tree.   

Stay Tuned for our December newsletter for more news and pictures. Learn about our extended season starting next fall, new wedding programmes, and some new programmes for off season workshops. Canada's oldest guest ranch just got better!

Thank You!
John Lovelace, CEO
Anna Gou, CFO
The Flying U Ranch

The Ranch Office: 1-877-456-7717
Richmond Admin. Office: 1-604-812-4653  |